Lose weight with diet coaches and diet apps

Lose weight with diet coaches and diet apps

Losing weight could be easier thanks to the web, if not the solution to our weight problems.

In fact, not only now are there information sites on diets or ad hoc sites to talk about a specific diet program or to sell products related to that weight loss method. But for those who need to be followed in their program, the diet coaches, the motivators who follow you every day and at every step and every weigh, also exist on the web and even have apps.


For example, these are two examples of diet apps based on the figure of a diet coach. They are My Diet trainer that you can download on your smartphone via Google Play, and the Diet Coach in Italian , always downloadable from Google Play.

Then there are apps that allow us to follow specific diets: for example the famous Dieta Melarossa App , which is very successful because it is based on the nutritional advice of Dr. Migliaccio. Or again, apps that work as a weight and food diary, for example I’m on Diet, Fatsecret, Myfitnesspal, Weight Diary. 

There are also apps that have had resounding success abroad, such as Noom and Lifesum . The Noom app is available in Italy but has not been translated into Italian. However, it is very popular precisely because it combines the food plan with advice that takes into account the difficulties and psychological behavior of the user.

Finally, the fitness apps: even here some are very successful and make it easier to lose weight. The Women’s Fitness and Lose Weight at Home in 30 Days apps are among the most popular, along with the acclaimed Freelitics , Sweat etc.


On Dcomedieta we have often dealt with online slimming programs. Typically they are by subscription or you pay for a package that combines diet and exercise. Or they are challenges or challenges that concern only the aspect of physical activity plus some nutritional advice.
Such as, for example , Corpo Perfetto , Vico Della Forma and many others.  
Here you can find an additional list of online programs created by coaches. 

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