Lose weight on the low-glycemic dissociated diet
I don’t eat dissociated, but balanced, combining proteins, carbohydrates and fats in one meal. However, there is no way to balance meals that works for everyone. Much depends on our lean and fat mass, on overweight pounds, on hormonal problems. For example, those with high estrogen can have meals that combine carbohydrates with proteins, but reduce the fat a little. Those with high blood sugar and insulin resistance can start by having 30-40% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 20-30% fat at each meal. Today we see who can successfully follow a dissociated diet, and in particular lose weight with the dissociated diet with a low glycemic index.
The dissociated low glycemic index diet is suitable for all those people who want to lose weight with a simple solution, which at the same time automatically leads them to make healthier and more natural choices at the table. In fact, thanks to the reduction of the glycemic index we must avoid all those carbohydrates that lead to a high glycemic load of the meal, since we cannot combine them with proteins to reduce it. And at the same time you avoid eating many high-calorie dishes such as classic lasagna or carbonara. So let’s say that it is a solution that indirectly makes those who have unclear ideas about the relationship between macronutrients, that is, between carbohydrates, proteins and fats, lose a lot of weight.
Furthermore, the dissociated diet, by improving the digestibility of meals , can allow us to correct bad habits, also because one thing is knowing how to balance the meal, another is eating a bit of everything at random.
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