Lose weight at breakfast with the advice of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi

Lose weight at breakfast with the advice of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi

The facebook page of Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi , dietician, is undoubtedly one of the most informative “social” pages regarding nutrition for weight loss.

Dr. Rossi, who developed the molecular method and wrote the book “From calories to molecules” (Aboca Edizioni), believes that it is what we eat, more than what we eat, that is important in the fight against extra pounds. .

Obviously starting with breakfast. How to lose weight for breakfast?

If we want to lose weight, in fact, the Italian breakfast (the one often based on hot foods such as cappuccino and carbohydrates such as brioche) is not exactly ideal if we have to dispose of a little fat.

Instead, the ideal would be a protein breakfast: this does not mean eating only proteins, it is not the Dukan; but to introduce mainly protein foods in our breakfast, even when we want to make it sweet.

This kind of meal allows you to less stimulate the insulin response, while the effect of the hormone glucagon, the fat-burning hormone, is prolonged.  The ideal is to have breakfast seated, without rushing.


The model proposed by Dr. Pier Luigi Rossi to lose weight at breakfast is the following.
– Barley, green tea or herbal tea plus sugar-free coffee if desired.
– A protein food that can be ham (50 g), ricotta (100 g), an omelette with 2 egg whites or a piece of hard cheese (40 g) or oil seeds or dried fruit such as 30 g. of almonds, walnuts, pine nuts or hazelnuts or pistachios. No to yogurt, because it is low in protein and stimulates the insulin response.
– A carbohydrate food, for example 2 teaspoons of honey or a slice of wholemeal bread.

According to this model we can develop some ideas of breakfast, since the difficulty for many is to be able to convert this suggestion into practice.

  • Here are my two ideas.
  • Breakfast 1.
    A cup of green tea with a spoonful of honey plus 80 gr. of ricotta cheese mixed with a spoonful of chopped walnuts to taste, cinnamon and a spoonful of honey, coffee without sugar.
  • Breakfast 2.
    A purifying herbal tea with a tablespoon of honey, plus protein biscuits made with 1 egg white, lemon zest, a tablespoon of honey and 2 heaping tablespoons of almond flour (mix all the ingredients, put the mixture in a baking tray with paper oven, then in the oven until golden brown)

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