Lose Weight and Lower Your Blood Sugar in 8 Weeks

Lose Weight and Lower Your Blood Sugar in 8 Weeks


A restrictive diet that acts on visceral fat lowers blood sugar and helps fight prediabetes and type 2 diabetes. And today this diet was unveiled by the inventor of the Fast diet, British doctor Michale Mosley.
Dr. Mosley is a celebrity in the dietary field, and above all he bases his diets on the most up-to-date scientific research in the field of metabolic syndrome. With the Fast diet, or 5: 2 diet, Mosley was the first to talk about intermittent fasting to create a method for everyone.

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One of his latest diets instead takes up the Newcastle University studies on type 2 diabetes: based on this research, Dr. Mosley has created an 8-week diet to lose weight and lower blood sugar drastically. Designed for those with metabolic syndrome problems, its 8-week diet allows blood sugar to return to normal values ​​and reset the metabolism, losing the most dangerous fat for health, the visceral one.

When this fat envelops the pancreas, insulin resistance occurs.
Let’s see how to make her 8-week diet to lose weight and lower blood sugar.


With the 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet , Mosley resumes the studies of Professor Roy Taylor, one of the world’s leading experts on diabetes and a lecturer at Newcastle University, in which he talks about a method to defeat type 2 diabetes in just 11 days .

I had talked about Professor Taylor’s method here : it involves doing a diet of about two weeks at 800 calories with low carbohydrates for eleven days and under strict medical supervision.  Mosley has developed a method within everyone’s reach to obtain the same results as the patients of prof. Taylor. The 8-Week Blood Sugar diet aims to defeat diabetes by causing the body to shed visceral fat. Another advantage of this diet is the reduction of blood pressure. However, let’s talk about a restrictive diet. So if you are looking for a solution to quickly lose weight and lower blood sugar, I invite you to discuss Dr. Mosley’s 8-week diet with your doctor.

lowers blood sugar

What does the method consist of?
According to Mosley, you need to eat plenty of vegetables, chicken and other lean proteins for 8 weeks without exceeding 8oo calories per day. Precisely because it is a very restrictive regimen, the help of the doctor is essential.
Here is the outline of the menu that must be followed in all for two months.


Breakfast: omelette of 150 grams of egg white with stevia and cinnamon cooked in a non-stick pan, or 125 grams of skimmed low-fat yogurt with no added sugar or 15 grams of vanilla or chocolate flavored whey protein powder mixed in water. Light coffee without sugar or tea. A multivitamin.

Snack: a cucumber.

Lunch and dinner: 100 grams of fish such as cod, hake, plaice, natural tuna or 100 grams of defatted chicken or turkey breast or 80 grams of natural tofu or 200 grams of egg whites or 60 grams of bresaola. Instead of fish, you can opt for 130 grams of shrimp or octopus tails. The food must be weighed raw first.
As an accompaniment you can eat a soup without legumes or potatoes or a plate of leafy vegetables such as spinach, salad, radicchio, escarole or a plate of zucchini or grilled aubergines. Vegetables are free.
Granted a level teaspoon of oil.

The snack should be similar to breakfast.

During the day you can drink some water acidulated with lemon juice, herbal tea or decaffeinated sugar-free. Stevia can be used. To change the menu, you can also use konjac shirataki instead of pasta seasoned with a maximum spoonful of tomato sauce or sautéed with the vegetables allowed. They are free: mustard, apple or wine vinegar, spices, herbs. A teaspoon of Parmesan is allowed in one of the two meals.

Previous studies, in addition to Dr. Taylor’s, have established that severe calorie restriction can reduce visceral fat and improve health and longevity.


After 8 weeks, we move on to maintenance: three days of an 800-calorie diet (not consecutive) with the same scheme, followed by 4 days of a normocaloric diet in a Mediterranean key, with the addition of two 150-gram low-sugar fruits, 50 grams of wholemeal bread, pasta or brown rice, an extra teaspoon of oil and a dairy product a day between 200 ml of milk, an extra low-fat yogurt, 100 grams of ricotta or light mozzarella or cottage cheese.

In this phase it is necessary to do half an hour of physical activity a day on the days of moderate diet, with the help of small weights to maintain lean mass.

After another 8 weeks, the 800-calorie days remain two, while one free meal per week is added, again in a Mediterranean key, for example a pizza.

Other menu ideas can be found in Mosley’s book, also available in Italian and available for purchase here.
800 Calories. The New Way to Intermittent Fasting: The Method to Lose Weight Quickly and Stay Fit Forever .


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