Lose sixty pounds with these rules

Lose sixty pounds with these rules

2f2d975fddfa98673d82903cc6bd041ce7a08bdcAndie Mitchell is a thirty-year-old girl who has lost over sixty kilos by changing her life without a particular diet, but learning little by little to eat healthier and do the right physical activity. Her efforts have paid off. She is the award-winning author of a very successful autobiographical book in America ” It was all me along “, in which she talks about her battle with eating problems and her troubled relationship with food. Having weighed over one hundred and twenty kilos,
Lei andie managed to lose half of her body weight by doing these things:

1) He started eating more fruits and vegetables. Her main meals had fruit and vegetables as the main ingredients.
2) He has eliminated carbonated drinks and juices.
3) She learned to count calories, first with the Weight Watchers program (followed only for a few months), then on her own.
4) she kept a food diary to check how much and how she ate
5) she started running
6) she dealt with the problem of nervous hunger with a psychotherapist.
With these six things Andie was able to lose about sixty kilos in a year and become a new person.

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