Lose 5 pounds on the spring diet

Lose 5 pounds on the spring diet

Do the “spring cleaning” in our body to lose a size, but without considering the detox diets of only centrifuged, soups or juices to lose weight?

Here is a moderately protein diet without the pitfalls of Dukan but safer for health, with more protein days and more carbohydrate days to alternate simply to make weight loss easier.

It’s called the Spring Clean Diet , and a “spring cleaning diet” that allows you to lose more than a pound and a half a week, and up to five pounds in three weeks without being drastic, high-protein, low-carb.

Here are the rules of the Spring diet.

  • Alternate the menu of scheme 1 with that of scheme 2 in this way: scheme one odd days, two even days.
  • Eat 5 times a day every day.
  • Exercise on even days of the week.
  • Walk at a brisk pace for half an hour on other days, both even and odd.
  • After the third week it is possible to continue the diet with a day off on Sunday, making the remaining odd days with scheme one and the even days with scheme two.

Why does it work?

The Spring Diet works because it stimulates the metabolism to burn more without being too low-calorie.
You eat up to 5 times a day and exercise 3 times a week, alternating between carbohydrates. Below you will have many free examples of training even at home.
Eating often and alternating carbohydrates are the two secrets of this diet.


  • Scheme 1: to be followed 4 odd days a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday)
  • Scheme 2: to be done 3 days a week even. 

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