Lose 3 kg in 7 days with the control diet

Lose 3 kg in 7 days with the control diet

The control diet is an intermittent fasting diet created by coach and nutritionist Jorge Cruise to lose 3kg in 7 days and around 10kg every month.

It is a very special and effective diet, because it combines a low-carbohydrate diet with an intermittent 16: 8 fast.

In this type of fasting, you eat within eight hours of breakfast through dinner and eat nothing the rest of the time.

Jorge Cruise ‘s Control Diet is perhaps the most effective intermittent fasting diet around. This is because it combines a variety of foods with good hunger-limiting fats, and is therefore much simpler than any other form of intermittent fasting.

However, the diet should be done for 4 weeks and not continued beyond.

Subsequently, carbohydrates are added a little at a time, in order to lose weight more slowly until you reach your maintenance plan.
In this article we see how to do the control diet to lose 3 kg in 7 days and 10 in a month.


There are 3 ways to do the control diet, depending on our commitments.

Eat from twelve to eight in the evening.

You skip breakfast by having a snack from twelve onwards, lunch, snack and you finish eating by eight in the evening. A useful solution for those who can dine early without problems.

From seven to three in the afternoon.

Ideal for those who start their day early, it is the most effective scheme of the three. We have breakfast after seven in the morning, and after three in the afternoon we stop eating, skipping dinner.

Eat from nine to five.

In this case we start with a breakfast from nine in the morning, and around four thirty we have the last meal, finishing eating at five in the afternoon.
Once we have chosen our pattern, we need to follow the control diet food plan on page 2. As always, I recommend: consult your doctor before going on a diet.

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