Lose 2 kg in 7 days: Dr. Hyman’s simple diet

Lose 2 kg in 7 days: Dr. Hyman’s simple diet


The dr. Hyman is a well-known doctor in the US, author of a simple diet, that’s exactly what it’s called, Ultrasimple slimdown, which should allow us to lose 2 kg in 7 days.

In fact, he is the author of numerous books on nutrition, which often focus on detoxification. He also runs a private clinic known as the UltraWellness Center .

First declaring himself a skeptic about crash diets, Dr. Hyman says he has developed a quick and easy meal plan to lose weight in a week , with no health consequences.

The diet lasts just 7 days, but must be started from the previous week, through a “preparation phase” in which it is necessary to eliminate from the week before some foods that according to Hyman slow down our metabolism.

Foods to be eliminated the week before the diet.

Coffee and tea, aside from green tea
Refined carbohydrates and sugars.
Corn syrup and foods containing corn syrup (read labels)
Hydrogenated fats (found in supermarket products and butter)
Fast food and processed products.

Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate these foods already and buy fresh products already the week before starting the diet: fruit, vegetables, fresh meat, fresh fish, low-fat dairy products, oil, eggs, whole grains. Once this first step is done, let’s start the diet to lose 2 kg in 7 days.

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