Live method: the home gym to get back in shape

Live method: the home gym to get back in shape


A lot of people prefer to do indoor activities , that is, at home, especially in recent times. But even without talking about viruses and various ailments, there are many people who harbor a certain mistrust of the gym.

Often these are people who have tried it but who have not found themselves well: above all due to lack of time and not so much willpower. Others, on the other hand, simply don’t feel comfortable.

However, the problem is that these same people are unfamiliar with home training or none at all.
Problem that can be solved as we have already seen in many ways, but which now has one more solution: a home gym through live lessons with coaches, to be followed via Skype.

In fact, the Live Method was recently born in Italy, the reality of a virtual gym that works exactly like a real gym: with a weekly calendar in which there are different courses, divided by time.


Created by personal trainers Lua and Stefano, Metodo Live provides live lessons to its subscribers by monthly subscription. So they can watch them from home and follow them without having to physically go to the gym.
But having exactly the same advantages.

In addition, the training plans are personalized, and there is a wide choice for both beginners and for those who already train but no longer have time to attend the traditional gym. The schedule of the lessons is therefore that of a real gym, it simply changes the shape. People can attend their chosen video lesson at the same time it is live, or they have two days to do it at another time.

Among the workouts, fusion, toning and slimming, pilates, dance training, postural.

live method

The goal of Metodo Live, Stefano explained to Dcomedieta, is in fact to offer the benefits of a home gym to all those who go out little, work all day and have little time to devote to classes outside and various or non-different trips. they have money for a classic membership. The subscription with the Live Method costs 29 euros on offer per month and lasts for one year. You can cancel when you want, you have the provision of a personal trainer who follows us individually and also food advice through nutritional biologists.
The lessons are transmitted via Skype to create a tailor-made training course.
On the Live Method fb page it is also possible to watch “open lessons”, ie free, by clicking here.

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