LiposuxTen, nutritional liposuction, does it work?

LiposuxTen, nutritional liposuction, does it work?

A reader asks me if I know the LiposuxTen product, because she has heard about it and because it is very publicized in recent times, and in these days I have been doing research to understand what it is. In the LiposuxTen website there is talk of a “nutritional liposuction” in which people not only lose weight, but are sculpted internally, as if an invisible plastic surgeon could remodel them.

You will not find written anywhere, however, that localized weight loss or liposuction with diet alone is possible . There are no studies in this regard, and in fact not even in the studies collected by the LiposuxTen method you will find something like this written. So the first thing that catches the eye is that we are talking about a liposuction that does not exist in nature, and is not proven or demonstrable.

But let’s go in order.
does the method consist of?  As it seems to me, LiposuxTen is quite similar to formulas from other companies that sell protein supplements in sachets or in this case in powder and tablet form. You buy a product for ten days, and for ten days you can only eat:  some vegetables, unsweetened coffee and tea, 1% skimmed milk, as the website reads . Plus the LiposuxTen product, in doses of about 40 g (or something similar, since 400 g of powdered product should be enough for ten days) per day.

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