Let’s discover the Neurac rehabilitation method

Let’s discover the Neurac rehabilitation method

Ropes, bands, ropes and love. We know a Norwegian rehabilitation method called Neurac, one of the latest innovations in the field of therapies for motor skills and the recovery of functions from pathologies of the neuro-muscular system of various kinds.

Let's discover the Neurac rehabilitation method

The Neurac rehabilitation method comes from Norway and is in effect a rehabilitation treatment and a way to get back to physical exercise. After an initial initial evaluation, gradual phases are passed for the improvement and recovery of dysfunctions.

We improve in the short term, but we also work to ensure that the improvement persists and is maintained; this movement therapy works to maintain recovered functions and to reduce the risk of relapse.


The tools of the Neurac method

Neurac is the abbreviation for  Neuron Muscolar Reactivation . The tools used are a system of ropes, bands and ropes, rigid or elastic, called Redcord . The promotional videos that you will see point a lot to the innovative nature of the therapy and to the description of the ongoing collaboration between muscles and brain. There is also a lot of pressure on the idea that therapy does not involve pain or overly invasive manipulations.

At the official website of the Neurac Institute of Princeton you will find an image showing all the above tools. Videos, images, testimonials are available. In Italian you will find information on the Neurac website  about residential training, days dedicated to practice and basic and advanced courses.

It is necessary to understand if it is something that in Italy will be the prerogative of physiotherapists, as abroad it is practicable and practiced by those who fall within the broad definition of ” manual therapist “.


The disorders and tools of the Neurac method

Those who develop chronic pathologies of the musculoskeletal system find great benefit with this motor rehabilitation technique, also used in the geriatric field, in the developmental age, in sports . Strength and quality of movement are improved as the harnesses provided by the method are aimed at improving neuromuscular control. 

In sports there is a lower incidence of injuries and excellent responses are also in the case of impaired motor skills following trauma; it also generically improves the whole postural structure . 

The scientific literature highlights improvements in the case of low back pain , lumbosciatalgia, neck pain , cervicobrachialgia, shoulder, knee, ankle problems , rehabilitation and prevention of muscle injuries and post-orthopedic surgery rehabilitation. 

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