Lean intestinal bacteria? Try with this

Lean intestinal bacteria? Try with this

Do you want to go on a diet to lose weight but without re-gaining weight, thus avoiding the yo yo effect? Try to safeguard the health of your intestinal bacteria: it is the intestinal bacteria that make the difference in the battle against the extra pounds. Those with greater bacterial differentiation have the advantage of gaining weight with difficulty once correct eating habits have been established: those with poor intestinal bacterial flora always see bad bacteria prevail over good ones, with the consequence of gaining weight more easily and having more cravings “Wrong” that make him return to the starting weight if not worse.
But today there is a little trickwhich can help those who are losing weight (or have already lost weight and live in fear of regaining it) to act on their intestinal bacteria by nourishing the right ones.

How? This research explains it. Flavonoids would be enough
to help the body have a healthy bacterial flora . These substances of secondary metabolism of plants (which are not micronutrients, that is, they are not vitamins and mineral salts: therefore we cannot find them in synthetic supplements of vitamins and mineral salts, although they also exist on the market in the form of specific supplements) are strongly antioxidants.  They could act as active metabolites in humans too, after the study tested their effectiveness on gut bacteria in mice
Another study, also from 2016, reached the same conclusions in humans : flavonoids, including isoflavones and anthocyanins, were considered the key supplement to avoid the re-accumulation of body weight. Where to find them?
Those who tend to gain weight should eat red fruits daily, especially blueberries and strawberries, apples, onions, and drink tea, especially white or green tea. A perfect supplement can be the one based on acai berry powder, but also pomegranate or acerola juice, cranberry juice and black.

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