Lazy bowel? Fight it with the Lassi

Lazy bowel? Fight it with the Lassi

Lassi is an Indian drink that I find simply fabulous for the well-being of the intestine but also of the whole body.

This probiotic specialty helps intestinal regularity, fights lazy bowel problems, is an excellent drink against candida and cystitis in women, helps metabolism, promotes detoxification of the body and, especially for those with bloating problems, helps to rebalance the bacterial flora in a gentle way, especially if each supplement or specific diet bothers us.

In addition, in both sweet and savory versions, it is an excellent non-alcoholic and 100% natural cocktail, and is delicious and thirst-quenching. One glass provides around sixty calories.

Here are 2 recipes to get the sweet lassi and the salty lassi that I have personally tried.


  • For the salty lassi:
  • 1 kg of natural low-fat organic yogurt (the quality of the yogurt is important: only organic or homemade!)
  • half a liter of water
  • a level tablespoon of whole salt
  • a pinch of ground cumin, turmeric or ginger
  • fresh mint (optional)
  • a splash of lemon juice
  • 6 ice cubes.In una ciotola versare lo yogurt, il sale, le spezie e il succo di limone, e con una frusta integrare delicatamente l’acqua, facendo attenzione a non creare grumi. Incorporate i cubetti di ghiaccio e versate il tutto in una caraffa, guarnendo con foglioline di menta.
    Per chi ha problemi di digestione e gonfiore intestinale, consiglio di moltiplicare l’acqua per tre, cioè miscelare lo yogurt in un litro e mezzo di acqua.

    For the sweet lassi.
    Instead of a spoonful of salt, put just a pinch of it.
    Add a spoonful of honey or agave syrup.
    Instead of cumin, put cinnamon or ginger or cardamom.
    Put the ingredients in a mixer and add 150 gr. choice of fruit from mango, papaya, fresh pineapple for the fruit variant (optional).
    Dilute the yogurt in one and a half liters of water in case of digestive problems.

It can be drunk both during meals (especially protein) and at breakfast or between meals, but it can be indigestible if drunk in the evening!

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