Laser myopia and astigmatism: it is becoming a craze

Laser myopia and astigmatism: it is becoming a craze

Laser surgery for the treatment of myopia (but also of astigmatism and hyperopia) has really made great strides. Not only for the strictly technical and scientific aspects, but also from the point of view of dissemination. If on the one hand the improvement of the technique tends to reassure those who are potentially interested, on the other hand the distrust of those who were tied to the idea that glasses were the safest “cure” has disappeared in recent years (and, in the last times, the distrust of those who prefer contact lenses to glasses). In reality glasses, as you know, do not cure. They correct, of course, but not permanently.

Instead, increasingly precise lasers allow – for example – to modify the curvature of the cornea in order to eliminate myopia . It must be said, however, that before thinking about an intervention, it is good to make sure that you are an ideal subject. The ideal subject (let’s take the laser for myopia as an example) must have had myopia stabilized for at least a couple of years. We will return later on the analysis of cutting-edge techniques, for the moment we stop at these preliminary considerations. However, laser surgery is a surgical procedure, and due caution is needed. Not from the doctor, but from the patient. It is enough to have a look on various forums around the internet to realize the amount ofpeople who would like to have surgery without even bothering to verify whether or not they are within the optimal target . Given that ophthalmologists often tend to point out that one can live happily with glasses or contact lenses, more than 100,000 surgeries every year suggest a real collective craze.

Who are the optimal subjects for this kind of intervention? First, if you are diabetic, forget it . If you are a pregnant woman, defer to a better time. If your nearsightedness has gotten slightly worse lately, your surgeon will tell you frankly that you shouldn’t have any laser surgery. If you have autoimmune diseases or scarring disorders, don’t rate the laser at all for vision defects. That said, there are preoperative exams to undergo, and which must be passed, in order to be “ideal candidates”. Prices range between one thousand and three thousand euros. But it is better not to trust prices that are too low, and don’t think about saving. Technologies cost money, and a truly professional team does a job that cannot be underpaid.

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