Labradorite: all properties and benefits
Labradorite is a stone that increases creativity, strengthens intuition and allows us to see the true nature of our purposes. Useful against colds and rheumatism, it also has beneficial effects against gout and stress. Let’s find out better. Â
> Â Â 1. Description of Labradorite
> Â Â 2. Element
> Â Â 3. Chakra connected to Labradorite
> Â Â 4. Mythology
> Â Â 5. Effect on the body of Labradorite
> Â Â 6. Effect on the psyche
> Â Â 7. How to use Labradorite
Labradorite description
Mineral class: tectosilicates, feldspar family.
Chemical formula: Na [AlSi3O8] Ca [Al2Si2O8] + Fe, K, Ba, Sr
Labradorite is a feldspar , specifically a member of the plagioclase series, which is formed in pegmatites or basic magmas. Its bright colors on a gray-green basis are due to the refraction effect of light on the lamellar structure, or rather to labradorescence .
Air : the air element concerns the sphere of communication and intellect (capacity for expression, creativity, wisdom, travel).
Chakra connected to Labradorite
- Third chakra Manipura (“Navel and Solar Plexus”)
- Sixth chakra Ajna (“Forehead or Third Eye”)
- Seventh chakra Sahasrara (“Crown”)
Discovered in 1770 in the Labrador peninsula (Canada) from which it takes its name, labradorite has no therapeutic history but is considered a strong and protective stone that increases magnetism .
For shamans it helps to call and communicate with the spirits of nature.
Effect on the body of Labradorite
Labradorite reduces the sensation of cold and is therefore indicated for preventing colds and other colds, rheumatism and gout .
It acts as a calming for stomach tension and is useful for lowering blood pressure.
Effect on the psyche
Labradorite is an excellent antidote to delusions . Dispersion wins, strengthens intuition and allows us to see the true nature of our purposes and intentions thanks to its iridescent surface of various colors.
The transcendental and changing nature of Labradorite supports learning to develop deeper gratitude , eliminate old trends, and learn the great lesson that change is the very nature of life .
This stone helps to shift perceptions to a higher level and potentially change the individual’s choices in a positive way. It stimulates creativity , imagination, introspection and depth of feelings . Reduces anxiety and stress.
How to use Labradorite
Labradorite can be discharged after use under running water.
The best use on a spiritual level is in association with meditation .
As for the therapy on a physical level , its effects are manifested when it is carried with it in close contact with the skin. Placed on the solar plexus (third chakra) it prevents nausea, heartburn and stomach cramps, while positioned on the shoulders and behind the neck it helps in case of rheumatic pain.
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