Kneipp treatment against cellulite
The Kneipp path uses the principles of hydrotherapy to bring many benefits to the body. Since it acts directly on the circulation of the legs, it is widely used against cellulite.

Kneipp path: what it is
The Kneipp path consists of a “path” performed in two pools of water a few meters long. The pools contain cold water and hot water , up to groin height.
On the bottom are placed some rounded and smooth river pebbles . The path consists of walking in the two pools , first in the hot one and then in the cold one, slowly enough to allow the pebbles on the bottom to exercise as much as possible and in a gentle way a massage on the soles of the feet .
Alternating cold water with hot water , a delicate but effective micro -massage is performed.
The succession of 2 temperatures, in fact, tones the walls of the blood vessels , alternating vasodilation with vasoconstriction .
The walls of the veins are in fact made up of muscle tissue, and toning allows them to work for general well-being in an optimal way, maintaining their health.
Conceived by Abbot Sebastian Kneipp , it is said that he cured the tuberculosis he was suffering from by taking baths in the Danube and then walking the road to his house walking on the cobblestones of the road.
The path, which takes its name, is included in numerous spas and wellness centers , thanks to the concrete results that it allows to obtain on the health of the legs , on cellulite in particular, and on vitality in general.
Read also  Cellulite, how to really eliminate it >>
Kneipp treatment against cellulite
Hydrotherapy consists of numerous techniques. The Kneipp path is inserted between them.
The Kneipp path is very effective against cellulite of the lower limbs . It acts on both lymphatic and blood peripheral circulation .
Since cellulite is characterized by a stagnation of liquids in the areas affected by this disease , the Kneipp path allows you to drain liquids and, by improving circulation , dispose of the toxins and fat responsible for inflammation of the tissues .
Furthermore, the stimulation of hot and cold water improves the tone of the skin and muscles .
The foot massage by the smooth stones operates a lash to the return pump carried out by the muscles of the lower limbs , further increasing drainage. Finally, this reflex massage allows you to tone the whole body distally .
In addition to providing benefits in case of cellulite in the legs, the Kneipp path stimulates the immune system , revitalizes blood and lymphatic circulation in the groin area , and improves metabolism .
It is also useful in case of localized adiposity on the buttocks and abdomen , because all the lower circulation of the abdomen and lower body benefits from it.
In addition to being present in spas and beauty and wellness centers, the Kneipp path can be, to a lesser extent, also replicated at home : it is sufficient to have two large basins, as high as possible, on the bottom of which to lay some smoky pebbles medium sized and polished.
The two basins are then filled with cold and hot water. You move from one basin to another, standing in each of them and trying to massage the soles of the feet with the support on the pebbles, making small movements or short steps on the spot if space permits.
At the end, take a shower , alternating hot and cold water, and passing a soft brush or horsehair glove over the legs.
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