Knee liposuction for younger legs

Knee liposuction for younger legs

knee-liftingKnee liposuction and lifting in general solve an often underestimated aesthetic problem, namely the formation of a part of adipose tissue towards the internal area, which gives a strange wave effect that seems to deform the legs. In part there is a familiarity in this accumulation. Unfortunately, it is a cosmetic defect that affects many women after the age of thirty / thirty-five, and which cannot be treated with creams or precautions (how can you “make your knees lose weight”?). Worse, the accumulation of localized fatty tissue on the knees is aggravatedand particularizes with the patient’s weight gain, but it does not resolve itself with her decrease, since that area is not straight by the muscles. The only way to have more beautiful and straight legs and eliminate those unsightly knee pads is liposuction, or rather, liposculpture. In short, a knee lift , which is not an invasive procedure as you might think, and leaves no perceptible scars: the knee is in fact a simple area to treat for the lifting.

Knee liposuction and liposculpture is performed on a day-hospital basis , with local sedation. During the surgery, which lasts less than an hour, a micro-incision of a few millimeters is made, in which the cannula is inserted for the aspiration of excess fat. The liposculpture is carried out by the surgeon with a manipulation of the area , in order to redistribute the rest of the adipose tissue evenly and thus be able to redesign the knee. The same evening the patient can go home and the next day she can already walk. As with any liposuction, a period of compression of the treated area is very important , in this case it is good to buy a pair of elastic and support stockings before the surgery.When will the knees be shown? The first day there will still be some swelling. After a week, ten days you will be able to show your legs without any problems.

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