Kate Hudson’s diet (and 4 reasons not to do it)

Kate Hudson’s diet (and 4 reasons not to do it)

kastieWhat does actress Kate Hudson do to keep fit, and how does she eat? An interview on Glamor reveals the mystery of these blonde and thin but sinuous actresses whose line we envy so much. No wheat and no gluten, no dairy and cheese, no sugar, no refined carbohydrates, no meat, no alcohol other than vodka or tequila, not even wine, no chocolate. Hudson would follow the alkaline diet (indeed, a highly alkaline diet), basically eating only rice, vegetables, fruit and fish to keep fit, and combining this diet with pilates to have a toned body especially in the abdominal area. Other stars such as Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston also follow a very similar regime.
The point is: all these actresses are convinced that any other food is bad for the pH of the blood. It’s true? In reality, if you eat very few foods, and always the same ones, with a very monotonous diet, you get two incredible advantages: – you are less hungry because you always eat the same things – you eat little by force because it is difficult to make a high-calorie diet if yours occupies one third of the food pyramid. Which is fine, but if they told me that by eliminating chocolate, cheeses, even wholemeal pasta, most of the cereals, wine, butter, a nice steak every now and then and desserts I could become like Kate Hudson, my answer it would be NO.

Sorry, but what a drag to reduce your diet to just that. I can keep fit with the right activity, and eating almost everything. I’m not Kate Hudson. But I eat cheese. And the ice cream. And the chocolate. And I drink red wine.
And a spaghetti with clams I do not disdain it.

These days an article is circulating that lists 4 reasons why the alkaline diet is a colossal nonsense.
Research on the alkaline diet is poor, and has no scientific basis; there is no standard alkaline regime; the alkaline diet works because it is abundant in fruits and vegetables, even if for the wrong reasons; generally low protein is consumed with the alkaline diet; the so-called acidifying foods are not the absolute evil (these include red wine, cheeses, natural sweeteners, chocolate: all things that are good in the diet, obviously if eaten in moderation).
A fifth reason? That is boring as hell have I already said?

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