JJ Virgin’s diet of intolerances: foods that make you fat

JJ Virgin’s diet of intolerances: foods that make you fat


Are you on a diet and not losing weight? Sometimes, depending on what you eat, your body acts as if it were crazy, does your belly swell even when you feel like you are not eating anything? According to JJ Virgin, a successful American nutritionist and personal trainer, this happens because we tend to be intolerant to certain categories of foods, which therefore make us gain weight despite a low-calorie diet and lots of physical activity. This is the essence of one of his most famous books, also translated in Italy, “The diet of intolerances: discover the seven foods that make you fat even if you are on a diet” , which is known abroad as The Virgin diet , or rather The Virgin Diet (unwanted pun). But is it really so?
According to Virgin, if we gain weight without knowing why and never lose weight on any diet, the problem will not be how much we eat but what we eat.

This wrong diet in quality means that up to thirty years you can stay in shape, but starting from 40 you accumulate excess weight in the abdominal area. JJ Virgin often poses as a model of his own diet, being 50 years old and in great shape.
She therefore suggests an elimination diet of seven food categories for three weeks. In these three weeks you naturally lose a lot of weight: starting from the first week JJ Virgin promises a weight loss ranging from two to four kilos, but reassures you: you don’t need to give up these foods forever. But replenish one food at a time starting from the fourth week, check what effect it has on our body weight and decide to limit it where and when it is possible.
What are these foods? 
Soy (and also soy lecithin, present in many industrial preparations, as well as soybean oil), corn (and also corn syrup), gluten, dairy products and cheeses, sugar, eggs and peanuts. Clearly, JJ Virgin refers to the American diet, for example rich in corn, for his seven foods to avoid, but the explanation on the whole is always the same: these foods can cause digestive problems with symptoms very similar to those of a food intolerance. and in some cases slow down the metabolism. Personally I agree for some categories (soy, and in part sugar) but the more we deprive ourselves of food the more we risk falling into a food orthorexia that can harm us instead of doing well. For the series: You almost lose weight by eliminating all these foods from your diet,
If JJ Virgin’s experiment appeals to you, you can try it without risk to health . Just eliminate the 7 foods (or the seven food categories) that can make you fat for three weeks and see results.

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