Is there a natural remedy for depression and anxiety?
Good evening, my name is Maria I am 46 years old two children of 11 and 4 years. For about 3 years I was being treated with antidepressant drugs ‘I say I was’ because for about 8 months I stopped taking drugs, I did everything on my own, because the tablets and the drops I took swelled me up I had become a balloon. From January I start a diet, I lost 10 kg I was fine, indeed very well, now I find myself anxiousthat does not leave me anymore, problems with feeding, I took back all the kilos I had lost, always so nervous that I treat my 2 children badly. I always scream like crazy, my sentimental situation is disgusting, I can’t stand the man I have at my side anymore, so much so that we’ve been sleeping apart for months, I look in the mirror and I disgust myself. I fell in love with an old boyfriend of mine 26 years ago, I found him in my same village, he is not married and lives with his parents, but I was disheartened by his response to a mutual friend of ours saying that not all 40 year olds are beautiful. I took it, I no longer even go to the bar near my house where he is every night, because my head tells me that that sentence was referring to me, because I am fat and ugly. I ask you if there
Health Answers

Hi Maria, perhaps the choice to stop the drugs on her own initiative was a bit rash … In addition to the drugs, it would have been better to investigate the reason for her discomfort, with psychotherapy, but in any case it is always advisable that these substances are reduced in a gradual and controlled way, to avoid nasty surprises. Try to contact a psychotherapist, or a psychiatrist, to try to understand what happened inside and outside of you. Anxiety and insecurity are unlikely to disappear by themselves or by taking only a homeopathic remedy. Good work 🙂 Simona Rosati Psychologist Psychotherapist

Dear Mrs. Maria, the situation she describes is certainly complicated and I can understand her desire to return to the person she used to be, or in any case a person without all the problems and anxieties that now haunt her, but as her colleague psychotherapist rightly said, antidepressant drugs must not be discontinued without the support of an expert who can help you to deal with the uncomfortable situation you are experiencing, so I also advise you, as soon as possible, to return to the treating doctor for a review of the therapy. In the meantime I would advise you to read the short article I wrote on depression and Complementary Medicines where it is exemplified as some homeopathic or acupuncture treatments .they can complement the traditional ones with good results. Sincerely, Dr. L Tocalli, Doctor, Homeopath, Surgeon and Acopouncturist
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