Is there a herbal tea useful for purifying the lungs?
I would like to know what kind of herbal tea or remedy I could take to purify the lungs.
Health Answers
Good morning, herbal teas mainly have a draining and remineralizing effect while to purify the respiratory system they are more targeted than remedies of another nature. Can you better describe what your problem is? Thanks, good afternoon
The herbal tea helps to decongest and drain but it should intervene with natural remedies recognized for this power. Have you ever tried Moringa? The ministry of health has recognized this wonderful plant with the specific claim for diseases of the respiratory tract.
Hi, to cleanse the lungs, rather than herbal teas, fumigations with eucalyptus and lemon essential oils are recommended, reduce the consumption of fats in the diet, implement breathing and meditation techniques, and physical activity is also recommended. Take ginger and turmeric and oregano in your diet and even outside meals even with ginger tea as well as essential oils. Do castor oil packs, drink licorice, and do iobelia inhalations.Also I recommend taking foods rich in vitamin c, Include foods rich in antioxidants such as garlic, onion, cayenne pepper, ginger, oregano, turmeric, apples and green tea, eat lentils and black beans and start the day by drinking water and lemon on an empty stomach.
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