Is the low-carb diet more effective than the fat-free one? Ah, ah, ah.
A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine and bounced on Time claims that a low-carb diet is more effective for weight loss than a low-fat diet, i.e. low in fat. According to experts, among those who choose a diet with reduced carbohydrate consumption and one with reduced fat consumption, the low carb diet would allow you to lose more fat mass and more weight and reduce the risks of cardiovascular health. To be clear, we are not talking about high-protein diets like the Dukan diet: low-carb diets ensure 30 percent carbohydrates during the day, low-fat diets 30 percent fat. A low carb diet provides for a consumption of fat of at least 40 percent, a consumption of proteins of 30 percent and carbohydrates for 30 percent: the choice of carbohydrates must be towards fruits, vegetables, wholemeal products that ensure a good dose of fibers. Ok, but how to do a low carb diet?Essentially, the low carb diets that are around have a massive consumption of animal-based proteins and fats. Carbohydrates come from fruits and vegetables, essentially: no bread and pasta, more eggs, red and white meat, fish, yogurt, soy products. The paleo diet is undoubtedly a low carb diet, and so is the Atkins diet.
In short, this study supports a diet that does not include bread and pasta in any form, no cereals, very few legumes, occasionally a few potatoes.Won’t it be excessive? Why the results of this study that condemns carbohydrates but not fats clash with many other studies that push for greater consumption of legumes, whole grains, wholemeal pasta and bread and a reduced consumption of fat? For example, this Australian study, published in Cell Metabolism, stated that reducing carbohydrates in favor of fats and proteins drastically shortened the average life span . The study was conducted on 900 mice. The study I am talking about at the beginning of the article on 140 people , in turn divided into two groups and monitored for about a year. The low carb diet they would have led is not exactly the classic low carb diet, since the carbohydrates consumed were just under forty grams of carbohydrates per day, while the low carb that we find on the net all have a lower consumption of carbohydrates.
And how many extra pounds were lost by these sixty people who gave up all grains and legumes IN ONE YEAR, compared to those who ate them by reducing fat? An average of three and a half kilos more . In a year. And higher levels of good cholesterol (this is the reduction in cardiovascular health risks heralded at the beginning). This was the great success of the low carb diet.
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