Is the gym contraindicated if you suffer from neck pain?

Is the gym contraindicated if you suffer from neck pain?

First of all good morning 🙂 In practice for a month or so I have been doing the gym (especially back and deltoids because I have a bit of kyphosis) and every now and then my neck hurts. To be exact, I have never done x-rays or other analyzes, but I think I suffer from a bit of neck pain (I often feel like a hand on my neck and light dizziness). Here I wanted to ask, can the gym hurt? My instructor told me no because the important thing is not to strain the neck .. and then he asks two: I’m doing exercises for the neck (the classic movements with the head) and then I get a sort of lump in my throat .. is it normal and does it center with the cervicals? Gracias x the info

Health Answers

Dr. Massimiliano Manni

Hi Vincenzo. I believe that 81 is your year of birth, so you are currently around 32 years old …. Generally the first painful symptoms in the spine and therefore also in the cervical tract begin between 25 – 30 years generally. I’m talking to you as an Osteopathand I’ll tell you how I act during a visit to the office: from a clinical examination of the posture, an anteriorization of the head with respect to the body’s center of gravity should be noted. The dorsal tract, which may also present hyperkyphosis, should be seen, in addition to the movement of the shoulder blades. The movements you make for the cervical spine are excellent, but if a lump occurs in the throat, the movement and tension of the iode bone should be investigated, the latter linked to the tension of the cervical and mandibular muscles. In short, before doing an X-ray that at your age is superfluous to me, I recommend that you pay a visit to a Physiotherapist , preferably an Osteopath. For the exercises in the gym I would say to suspend them for now, you risk worsening the situation ….. Dr. Manni Physiotherapist, Osteopath DO,


OK, thanks a lot 🙂
by the way but at this point should I do the exercises for the neck even in the presence of the lump in the throat?

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Hi Vincenzo, as a naturopath I always try to trace the cause of the symptoms, so I can only agree with Dr. Manni, stop exercising in the gym, let yourself be seen by an osteopath and then evaluate what to do … back don’t mess around!

Giovanni Di Giannatale
Good evening, I speak to you as an Osteopath, certainly in an osteopathic treatment the cervical spine and its relationship with the other systems of the body must be evaluated, therefore the entire spine but also the visceral and cranial apparatus which can still influence the cervical tract. As for the “lump in the throat”, I would like to point out that there are very important structures anterior to the cervical tract including the hyoid bone as the colleague dr. Manni but also visceral structures such as the esophagus and endocrine organs covered by the fascial system, which not surprisingly connect with the cervical tract. As for the exercises, I agree on the reduction at least until the end of the acute phase, but keep in mind that “movement is life” so you should certainly not do “immobility” total cervical tract. Good evening and see you soon

ok thanks a lot to everyone

for sure I will pay a visit to those of duty and competence but for that famous lump in the throat that is making me worry so much I wanted to add that long ago when I was a university student on the occasion of important exams I already suffered from it so it was stress and I hope it is now the same what…

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