Is it possible to cure ovarian cysts without resorting to surgery?

Is it possible to cure ovarian cysts without resorting to surgery?

I was diagnosed with a dermoid type cyst of 13 cm on the left ovary and the only solution seems to be the surgical removal of both the cyst and the ovary by laparotomy … There is a concrete possibility of natural cure that at least makes it regress the cyst? Or even “make it disappear”?

Health Answers

Dr. Francesco Candeloro
Cystic formations and proliferations in general represent an involutionary stage of the body’s defense capabilities which, when it is no longer able to promptly eliminate everything that can potentially harm, incorporates it, and circumscribes it in these formations – considered benign precisely due to the their potential to regress, instead of the malignant neoformations which have an evolutionary and aggressive potential. The treatment that takes place in these cases considers the local lesion at the same time as other aspects of the person, which highlight this basic organic weakness, also and above all at the mental level, where there are the signs of these aspects that must always be treated in compliance with that natural psychophysical complexity of the person, and of his individuality, constitutional and biopathographic,

Ilaria Porta

Dear Nicoletta, It is possible by going to work on the constitution and detoxifying the organism and supporting the nervous system (cysts are typical of Sicotic subjects who tend to be nervous or who have a bad relationship with part or one of the parents) with remedies and even hygienic solutions suitable for the decongestion of the organs and the disintegration (gradual given the 13cm) of the present cyst. Do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Dear Nicoletta, in simple words I explain to you that a cyst of your size cannot be regressed in a short time and not without facing an introspective as well as a physical approach. The cyst represents an accumulation, both organic and mental. It is essential to carry out a nutritional change to clean and drain the toxins, waste and glues accumulated in your body, I am convinced that by doing this you can at least reduce it to avoid surgery by always keeping it under control. If you need clarification, I am at your disposal, best regards and courage!

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