is it possible to continue training in the gym with cervical problems?
hi, I suffer from cervical arthrosis that makes me dizzy throughout the day from how I wake up until the evening, my question is the following: can you simultaneously cure the problem and train in the gym with weights ?? thanks
Health Answers

Good evening. On the basis of her question that she asks me, I answer that she can continue to go to the gym and train, being careful not to overload the cervical tract very much. An attention goes to the exercise on the abdominals, the so-called “crunch”, where the hands have an important function in supporting the head, therefore the hands must be placed on the head, which have the function of supporting the head and also avoiding lower the chin so as not to aggravate the cervical problem. During the days you try to do specific exercises for the neck muscles, eg: sternocleidomastoid; I remind you that the exercises must be performed in a slow and controlled manner and with adequate breathing.
Good morning. To relieve your arthrosis of hers I suggest a course of lessons of the Feldenkrais Method ( is the site of the national association where you can also find the address of a teacher near you). Such a path allows her to have greater body awareness and to understand and (most likely also) to change some habits, of how she moves today in her daily life and when she trains. To move the musclesit is essential to know how to relax their antagonist. As you write, I have the impression that you are constantly holding some muscles in tension even if this is superfluous. So: you can also continue training but the important thing is HOW – I mean quality. and yes, it is essential to combine a suitable breathing. You will also have greater awareness of this with a Feldenkrais path. Doreen Susan Bassiner, Feldenkrais Method Teacher – Bones for Life – Childspace, Modena

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