Interview with Michael Spampinato, Italian bodybuilder and fit chef
Here it is still not a widespread phenomenon, but the figure of the bodybuilder or fitness expert who uses social networks not only to talk about workouts, but also to talk about diets, proper nutrition and even provide light and nutritious recipes, has spread . a lot in the United States and England (the latest star is Joe Wicks , guru of fitness and simple dishes who goes crazy on Instagram and Twitter). But even here in Italy we have excellent examples to follow, as in the case of the young Michael Spampinato : bodybuilder, flexible dieter and chef, student, Michael has managed to transform his physique thanks to an approach that combines training with a known macronutrient diet. like IIFYM. His fb page, Michael S Fitness , is full of recipes and workout tips, and so is his youtube channel , where he posts very informative but also funny videos. He is the protagonist of this interview! Let yourself be inspired by his story and, please, follow him. At the end of the interview, there is also a very good recipe of him!
1) You are only 25 years old, Michael, and you have been able to revolutionize your life: from boy with obesity problems to bodybuilder, no one seeing you now would say that you have had weight problems. What are the first things you did to change your life?
I had problems with obesity until the age of adolescence, but let’s say that you only realize the situation when you bang your face against the mirror: jokes, teasing and teasing from my peers were definitely the right push. to change my way of being, my life. I immediately became passionate about fitness and physical culture, imagining being able to achieve, with commitment and perseverance, the results of many international athletes I have followed. It was around that time that I had that spark, that snap in my head that made me fall in love with Bodybuilding, and to this day after almost 6 years, I am still as ecstatic as the first day.
2) How many times a week do you train? Can you illustrate a typical day of yours?
The planning of my workouts is not accidental; after several years in this world I have learned to understand my body and its needs better. Currently I train 5 times a week, from Monday to Friday inclusive, for about 1 hour and a half a day, preferably in the late afternoon, when I perform the most. My typical day, being a university student, can be defined in a few steps:
At 7.30 I get up to have breakfast and wake up well, ready to start a new morning of study until about noon. Lunch at 1pm and I start studying again until the time I go to the gym, that is 4pm. I leave the gym to go home at 6pm and I amuse myself until 8pm, dinner time. In the evening I use it for interests, friends and passions.
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