Insect diet, that’s why (and how) we will be insectivores

Insect diet, that’s why (and how) we will be insectivores

biscuits(Warning: images of fried or roasted insects will not be used for this article, in order not to upset the sensitivity of the reader but above all of the writer).
Will insectivores conquer the world? Beyond the food practices in South America or the East, in Europe and the United States they are starting to breed insects to sell new products that meet the taste of those who would never eat them like this. In France, some chain supermarkets sell the products of Micronutris , a company that produces biscuits , sweets and chocolates made from worm meal. In the United States, insect-based dinners and aperitifs are organized, and cricket-flavored energy bars are sold, as does Chapul. Last year, FAO promoted the practice of eating insects, even to save the planet. We are a world population of seven billion individuals, a very high rate, never experienced in the history of humanity: farms consume too many food resources, and intensive ones have long since shown their limits. Thus other breeding farms are born, those based on insects.

Insects do not consume as much as cows, they do not pollute as much as a traditional animal breeding, but they are twice as protein as beef, they are very rich in iron and zinc .
Insects are a high-protein food, have B vitamins in abundance, are hyper-nutritious, have nutritional qualities similar to salmon. If we ate insects (brr…) we would not only lose weight and nourish ourselves better, but we would pollute and waste less. Two billion people already eat insects, now the question is whether the entire world population will become insectivorous. For the moment, insects and insect-based products cost a lot , so the hypothesis of finding worm recipes on your plate is still a long way off.

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