Inositol supplement

Inositol supplement

Good morning … I wanted to know if anyone knows about the Inositol supplement. I have read that it is useful in anxiety and depression disorders . I would need something to help me with these problems ..
Thanks to everyone ..

Health Answers

Inositol is part of the B vitamins and is found in: egg yolk, brewer’s yeast , wheat germ oil, liver, spirulina and kelp algae , royal jelly , soy lecithin , fish, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower and cabbage, brown rice, soy beans, peanuts, legumes, fresh pollen. A balanced diet is able to provide the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals necessary for our well-being. I also advise you to carry out the bio-test of the hair, to monitor its state of vitamins and minerals and to proceed with a possible integration in addition to the food intolerance bio-test, to direct your diet towards the foods best tolerated by your body. Furthermore, Bach Flowers are a fundamental remedy and a valid help to deal with your anxiety and depression disorders, because they act gently, restoring serenity and balance. For more information, do not hesitate to contact me.


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