Indigo children
Indigo children: special children, with out of the ordinary characteristics, repositories of innate knowledge who came into the world with the specific aim of changing it for the better. A fascinating theory, without scientific basis, which has its origins in the parapsychology of the 1980s.

Who are the indigo children
According to some parapsychological theories, indigo children are individuals who have  the task of unhinging the existing system , helping to redefine – by improving them – the principles underlying life on earth.
Also referred to as ” children of the stars “, indigos would be individuals who from an early age have very particular characteristics and who most of the time, from an early age, are aware of the destiny that awaits them: to bring humanity to a new evolutionary stage. .Â
Born as early as the Sixties and Seventies, from the Eighties they would have undergone a progressive, decisive increase in numerical terms.Â
Currently,there is talk of a further evolution of indigo children who, starting from 2000, are called crystal children . The characteristics of the crystal children  differ in part from those of their predecessors . With them, however, they would share the raison d’être: to favor a change of direction at a global level.Â
Indigo children, the origins
” Understanding your life through color “ : this is the title of the text by Nancy Ann Tappe in which, in 1986, reference was made to indigo children for the first time. The color mentioned is that of the aura , the luminous halo invisible to most that – according to some traditions and spiritual currents – surrounds our body and can take on different shades, depending on the soul of the individual who possesses it. Indigo, a shade between blue and purple, would be the distinctive color of the children of the stars.  To deepen the theory of Tappe they thought, then,
psychic Lee Carroll and his wife Jan Tober, who wrote ” The Indigo Children. The New Kids Have Arrived ” in 1999 , considered a milestone by those who believe in the existence of indigo children.
The fascination of these theories has made its way into many, not finding however – the clarification is a must – any confirmation, in terms of evidence, from the scientific point of view .Â
Indigo children, somatic traits
The physical appearance of indigo children does not show substantial differences from that of their common peers. They would be distinguished only by a particularly penetrating gaze , with an external connotation that would reflect the acuteness and depth of thought with which they are endowed.
Character traits of indigo children
The character traits of indigo children are much more marked.
According to the theories cited, indigos stand out for their particular psychic abilities: they are very sensitive, empathic, they are able to perceive and experience the emotions of others in an all-encompassing way.Â
Very creative, they are endowed with great intellectual and technological abilities and a high sense of morality. Rebels against the discipline and the imposed rules, they are often restless and hyperactive. Additionally, indigo children would have the amazing ability to talk to angels .
Types of indigo children
Four types of indigo children  have been identified :
- Humanists: Sociable and very active, these children will do jobs in contact with people. Brought to work as a teacher or a doctor, they will make themselves available to others.Â
- Conceptuals:Â they are very design children, who therefore will prefer jobs such as engineer or architect.
- Artists:Â the creatives par excellence, are the most sensitive and, in some ways, fragile children.Â
- Interdimensional: the strongest and thickest indigos. They strive to do everything on their own and understand the importance of their role in society.
Indigo children: testimonials
Over the years, the stories of two alleged indigo children: Boris Kipriyanovich and Natasha Demkina have caused a lot of discussion – sparking interest on the one hand, controversy on the other .
- Boris Kipriyanovich , born in Russia in 1996, would always have shown extraordinary qualities since childhood: a few months ago he said his first word, at two he could read, write and communicate in other languages. He soon began to upset those around him with the story of his previous life on Mars. In 2008 – when the story caused a sensation – Boris was renamed by many ” the indigo child who came from Mars “.Â
- Natasha Demkina , born in Mordovia in 1987, was soon identified as the ” indigo girl with X-ray vision “. After a health problem, the young Russian would have developed the ability to see the inside of the human body, identifying any fractures with the naked eye. Scientists have analyzed her qualities, but her views were not always correct.Â
In addition to these two emblematic examples, you can read testimonies regarding alleged indigo children  on the pages dedicated to the topic on social networks . Here, it is not uncommon for episodes of ” reminiscence ” to be reported, in which children tell in great detail about previous lives that find, as described, correspondence in reality.
A space for sharing on a debated and controversial topic , which often turns into an opportunity for discussion for parents who are convinced that they have an indigo child in their family, or that they themselves have been one.Â
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