Inactivity makes us gain weight (despite the diet)

Inactivity makes us gain weight (despite the diet)

Woman Lifting WeightThere is no doubt that as we age, our metabolism tends to drop , we theoretically need less carbohydrates (and more protein) and we tend to accumulate fat around the abdominal area. In short, both men and women after fifty tend to gain weight, and carry overweight and other problems related to being overweight more or less into old age. As the body tends to hold or accumulate more fat and shed muscle, many older adults are underweight and inappetent by the age of 80-90, but from age 45 to age 75, people struggle with the extra pounds that undermine their body. health .
One would think it’s all about the diet, but according to a recent article in the Huffington Post, it is a question of inactivity: if it is true that metabolism slows down over the years, the big difference in maintaining our body weight is physical activity and not diet. According to an American study (the  National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ) which involved about five thousand people aged 20 to 70, those who were thin and tended to remain so even as they got older exercised or had an active lifestyle compared to those who were. sedentary, regardless of diet. The minimum to have a less sedentary lifestyle is to do 150 minutes of physical activity a week, about 25 minutes a day or 30 minutes 5 times a week.
Among the little things we can do more, in addition to training 30 minutes 5 days a week or 25 minutes every day, there is climbing stairs on foot every time if we live on the upper floors, cycling more often, walking briskly when we go out for a walk, swimming often in summer or go to a swimming pool even just once a week.

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