Improving health without a diet, and in 3 steps

Improving health without a diet, and in 3 steps

How to improve health if we are allergic to diets and do not feel like following a particular diet? A good idea is the one proposed by the Westside Seattle site , which, using data from the Australian National Sleep Foundation , identifies three very simple things that can, however, have an incredible impact on our health.
And also about maintaining a good body weight. 

The first is obviously sleep : an adult, from 25 to 64 years of age, should sleep for no less than 7 hours and no more than nine hours a night, while after the age of 64 , you can sleep for 7-8 hours maximum. Sleep regulates hunger and satiety hormones, helps regulate insulin and keep stress low, which affects our metabolism, cholesterol and the risk of cardiovascular disease. If instead of going on a diet, we simply slept more, we would be more awake and active during the day (therefore we would burn more calories), we would be less hungry and less craving for calorie-dense foods. The craving for sugars and fats is often a consequence of stress and busy life, whereby one sleeps late and badly.
The second is hydration: we can hydrate ourselves with fruit, vegetables, sugar-free juices, skimmed milk or low-sugar vegetable drinks, vegetable creams and of course water. The amount varies from person to person, of course, and also from how much we eat. In general, it is a good rule not to go lower than about 20-30 ml per kilo of body weight, so a person of about 70 kilos should not consume less than one and a half to two liters of water per day.
The third thing is movement: keeping active, without overdoing it, is a great way to keep yourself young and healthy. Movement helps maintain a good metabolism by holding us tight to our lean mass, reduces cardiovascular risk, helps us burn more calories. Those who don’t like going to the gym may very well walk, go dancing or do other softer activities such as yoga or pilates.

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