If you want to fight nervous hunger, read here

If you want to fight nervous hunger, read here

I’ll tell you a little thing about nervous hunger that you may never have thought of.

Do you know what the problem is with most of the people I meet who have weight problems?
They say they don’t eat much.
Either they don’t realize how much they eat or in extreme cases they eat very little.

Especially when we are out all day for work, arriving at the evening when we are finally in a phase of relaxation we eat three times what we ate during the day.

A bit ‘the problem is that, that is to eat freely for dinner, when you then spread out on the sofa, while the rest of the day more than anything else you pick and overall one does not understand how to not lose weight.

But another problem is invisible to our eyes.
Maybe we suffer from nervous hunger, so we often and willingly eat almost without realizing it and between meals.


It happens when we are under stress, but often it also happens in some situations that create the context, the wrong habit which is then difficult to eradicate. How to smoke.

The aperitif outside, in the evening in front of the sofa, the fact that rather than taking a lunch break we often eat in the office, standing at the desk, and we don’t even realize we have eaten.

If you are on a diet, but even if you are not, you just want to avoid gaining weight, nervous hunger can be your beast. She is the bitter enemy, and the worst is that you are her.

Nervous hunger is part of you, it is a wake-up call. Fighting it without knowing it is a bit like thinking of killing a swarm of mosquitoes by breathing on them. You may be eating them, but you have to count on favorable conditions, such as a really heavy or garlic-based dinner.

On the other hand, if someone eats often and out of control, the first thing they have to learn to do is take it easy. Yes, you think you are uncontrollable, but it is not by forcing yourself not to eat that you will be able to limit yourself. These thoughts are scientifically studied, and are therefore absolutely normal if you have this problem. Thinking that you deserve food, reward yourself with food, and then feel guilty and out of order if you give in.
Yes, okay, you are wrong, you are wrong, you have failed, etc., but it is not by telling yourself that you are bad and by imposing a discipline on yourself that you will gain one.

Nervous hunger must be understood, it is a bit of our nuisance friend, the one who however makes us feel thought about and to whom we always resort in moments of discouragement.
In this article we see how to say enough to nervous hunger.

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