If I want to lose weight I have to commit myself

If I want to lose weight I have to commit myself

diet motivationCan we be our own worst enemies when we go on a diet? Let’s face reality: no one likes to go on a diet , but if we have chosen to do one we must remember that nine times out of ten the doctor did not set it on us, but we imposed it ourselves. Because? Because we don’t like ourselves with extra pounds, because we have the ambition to look our best, and last but not least, for our health . Eating healthy often results in initial weight loss anyway, regardless of the calories we ingest. Even snacks have an overall modest caloric amount, but the choice of the quality of the food is essential if we make a bet with ourselves both for better physical fitness and for better health.
So we must never forget that no one has put a knife to our throats and that in general we are the architects of our dietary destiny. In fact, research has established that there are many diets that work: the Mediterranean diet works like the low carb like the ketogenic diet like the vegetarian weight loss diet. What is common to weight loss success stories is their motivation. Remember what I wrote from the beginning. Are we our own worst enemies when we go on a diet? I’ll give you an example by listing the phrases that all renouncing people say when they want to give up the diet and keep the flab:

– substitutions:is it okay if I eat salami instead of chicken breast? What if I drink a glass of milk instead of yogurt? What if I cut the calories of oil to afford a chocolate? The answer to all these rather childish and somewhat petulant questions is no. The diet is adhered to as much as possible.
– I deserve to eat more today: no day? got home tired dead? frustrations of work? and we want to solve it by coming to terms with ourselves and eating a pack of cookies? Because? Let’s remember that we wanted the diet. Which side are we on?
– I am no longer able to lose weight:this is the mother of all excuses. The truth is that those who say this and are healthy either eat too much without realizing it or eat more than they burn, so they lead a sedentary life. And instead of committing himself and changing his lifestyle, he prefers to tell himself that, for some unknown reason that he cannot explain, he eats very little and does not lose weight.
– what if I gave up this diet and did another one? Going on a diet is not a game, we are not wasting time at the expense of our health. We think that changing our diet or making variations or doing other sabotages makes us lose in a decision we have made.
– luckThere is not much luck in the diet. People with overweight issues who look at the thin ones saying blessed are you, you can eat anything, in reality they are underestimating the sacrifices that those thin people make every day to take care of themselves, saying no to greasy, greasy food, to the sin of gluttony so obvious and daily that it is not a sin, it is the practice.
– the time factor: I wrote news of people who had a precarious life, no one on their side, not a husband, nor a family, little money and little time. Yet they have lost weight perhaps by walking more and then starting to run (the run in the park is still free), drinking water and cooking in a different way. Sometimes the answer is simple. It’s called commitment.

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