If I can’t lose weight, it will be because I’m bingeing

If I can’t lose weight, it will be because I’m bingeing

I can’t lose weight is not only the title of a famous diet book , but it is the phrase that people obsessively repeat to themselves, convinced that they are made badly, that there is something that is not working in them.

In short, who knows what problem they have that science has not yet solved.

Clearly, there are factors why metabolism can be slower than normal: factors that would contribute to making us fat even when we eat little.
These factors are numerous.

The reasons why we tend to get fat are, on average, the following.

Age, gender (women tend to lose weight less than men), hormonal status (slow thyroid, high cortisol, low serotonin levels, insulin resistance), health status that leads to taking drugs that slow down the metabolism , stress, genetics, even environmental impact and habits.

As you can see from this non-exhaustive list, many more factors come into play than just food. Yet it is precisely with proper nutrition that many of these can be kept under control.

In short, if one wants to lose weight and eats correctly, he can do it: and he is not one in a thousand.
And the only real advice you can give to people who say they can’t lose weight is to REALLY pay attention to how much and what they eat.

In addition, of course, to put yourself in a position to burn more, to do physical activity and the like. Because it is one thing to believe that you are eating little and to say to yourself, “I can’t lose weight”, it is another thing to eat very little. Let’s see how to honestly understand when we fall into one of the cases above and when instead it is the power that is not going, although we are convinced of the opposit

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