Ideal weight: because our grandparents didn’t diet and we did

Ideal weight: because our grandparents didn’t diet and we did

healthydietI said our grandparents, but in the title I could have said our ancestors, the gist of the speech does not change : our ancestors or grandparents ate (when they could eat) much more than us, and even much better. Nobody or almost once went on a diet. The fashion of the diet took Italy like other countries more or less from the sixties, but it is from the end of the nineteenth century that the slimming diet emerges as a mass phenomenon . Not that before women especially did not make the pact with the devil to have a fit body, but often it was about bustiers, fasting and so on. So let’s say that this trend is one and a half centuries old, but that in the last fifty years or so it has gradually become a social phenomenon.Today almost anyone and in particular almost every woman has tried a diet. Few of our grandmothers who made one, and even less our great-grandmothers.
Were they all fat? Judging by the photos no . They were healthier, while globally obesity has only become an epidemic in the past three decades.

Because? Here are six reasons why our ancestors maintained a healthy weight and we are slaves to useless diets 99% of the time.
Of course, this does not mean resigning oneself to having a weight and not aiming for our ideal weight.
But maybe there are things we can learn from our grandparents, our ancestors, and so on to avoid hurting ourselves instead of doing well.
And apparently there are six things we can learn from them that can be done effortlessly. I got them from nutritionist Catherine Crow’s legendary Butter Nutrition blog.
1) Decrease vegetable oils, or polyunsaturated fatty acids PUFA:
it was once said that they were important for our health, the problem is that omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids are taken unbalanced by many of us, who consume too many fatty acids 6 and 9 from vegetable oils (soy, various seeds , margarine, palm oil, rapeseed, but also massive consumption of hazelnuts, peanuts, seeds) and industrial products that use them in large quantities (nutella ???). And few omega 3. As a result, the body poisons itself, develops disease and inflammation and tends to gain weight.
2) Low calorie foods:obviously apart from fruits and vegetables, if we tend to favor chicken breast and never have a steak on the other hand, or we don’t eat legumes convinced that they make us fat, or we disdain avocado, we are depriving our body of nutrients important to stay in the estimated daily calories. Baby, your grandfather would shake his head. And your metabolism slows down.
3) Fat free foods: God avoid us and free us from fat free. And from skim products. Not only are they depleted of vitamins which are then artificially added, but they become indigestible, causing us to constipation and bloating and malnutrition from the fat-soluble vitamins that cause being overweight. Your grandmother at your age didn’t bake pies without butter or oil.
4) Artificial sweeteners:they cause metabolic syndrome despite being zero calories. And insulin resistance. I am poison to the body. Doesn’t that seem like a paradox to you? (And so are all the candy, sweets and other nonsense with artificial sweeteners)
5) Chemical additives: No detox diet can save you from additives and preservatives if your diet is full of them. And not only do you need to be on guard at the supermarket, but also at the bar, restaurant and so on. One hundred percent natural food. And the pounds go down.
6) GMOs: they are among us, and even when we avoid them at the source, they are often contained in prepackaged foods. Your grandparents ate fruit and vegetables from their garden or knew someone who had the garden.

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