Ideal breakfast: 8 breakfasts to lose weight

Ideal breakfast: 8 breakfasts to lose weight

That’s right: a breakfast made the right way helps you lose weight .

And it’s not a joke.

We’ve all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day , but how many of us still have it?

I too, for a long time, I skipped it because I couldn’t cope with the times.

Think how hard it can be to mess around in the morning rather than not eat, stay in bed 10 more minutes before going to work.

After doing some research , however, I have come to the conclusion that it is quite obvious that breakfast is important and necessary , especially if you are trying to live a healthier life.

That’s why I decided to come up with a series of ideas for an ideal breakfast.

This comprehensive list gives you so many healthy options that won’t lead you to eat the same things all the time.

I have tried and tested all of these recipe ideas as well to prove to everyone that they are easy recipes.

But before jumping to the recipes I want to make you aware that breakfast must always be made.

Advantages of breakfast

Index Article

The idea behind breakfast is to literally break the fast.

Your body has been resting for several hours while you slept, and your metabolism needs a starting point to wake up and start working.

If you skip breakfast, your body stays asleep.

This lack of fuel can lead to increased risks of coronary heart disease, high rates of obesity, decreased memory functioning, and leads to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, just to name a few drawbacks.

In the first place, if you don’t eat breakfast, you run the risk of becoming hungry from being nervous.

Urban Dictionary  translates that feeling of hunger in the morning as a sense of frustration that makes you terribly tense.

Nutritionally speaking, low blood sugar levels and hunger cause you to become easily agitated and irritable.

My guess is that’s not enough.

Furthermore, there is no way to live healthy without eating right.

Instead we will now check out the health benefits that come from eating breakfast every day.

Lower body mass index

“Studies have found that even though people who skip breakfast eat slightly fewer calories throughout the day, they tend to have a higher body mass index, or BMI ,” according to Christy Tangney, professor in the Department of Clinical Nutrition at the Rush Universit y.

Risk reduction for type 2 diabetes

In a study conducted by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , “Women who ate breakfast less than six times a week were at a higher risk of type 2 diabetes than women who ate breakfast every day. “

Memory improvement

According to a study by the US National Library of Medicine , “Evidence suggests that eating breakfast can improve cognitive function related to memory, testing and school attendance.

Weight loss

study done by Tel Aviv University separated women into two groups; the first group, or “Big Breakfast Group,” consumed up to 700 calories in the morning, about 500 calories at lunch, and 200 calories at dinner. The second group, the “Big dinner group”, reversed the calories so that breakfast would consist of only 200 calories.

The results were astonishing.

After 12 weeks, “Women in the breakfast group lost weight by losing an average of 4 pounds and 3 inches from their hips,” according to Medical News Today .

Breakfast reduces temptation

Skipping breakfast can also weaken your ability to fight the cravings and temptations of high-fat, high-calorie foods during the rest of the day.

Here is the logic behind this:

“Skipping breakfast makes high-calorie food more attractive later in the day because our brain circuits may have triggered this quest precisely for morning fasting,” according to a study completed by Tony Goldstone of Imperial College London.

The next time you decide to skip a meal, remember that your body is about to feel hungrier and will gravitate towards high calorie foods. Your body will crave a higher intake of calories to compensate for those it should have eaten at breakfast.

Skipping breakfast is just a bad idea.

But I understand the problem.

Who has time for breakfast every day?

So this is precisely why I have been struggling to find healthy and rather easy solutions to make healthy breakfasts.

Prepare breakfast the night before

By making breakfast the night before, you’ll have one less thing to worry about in the morning. Now let’s see the recipes.

1. Oatmeal

Have you ever tried oatmeal ? I know very well that when you go to the supermarket it is easy to find the one with the refined sugars inside. Well, discard it, we need the healthy stuff here.

I know, I know, oatmeal is not sweet, oatmeal is not filling.

I seem to hear you.

But you put it to macerate in milk from the night before. Zero cooking.

All you have to do is mix equal parts of oats and milk in a container and let it sit in the refrigerator overnight. It is that easy. If you use a little bigger pots it can also become an excellent snack during the day.

My favorite way to make oats overnight is to use about ½ cup of oats with ½ glass of milk.

Next, I’ll add some healthy toppings to make it more exciting and less bland. My all-time favorite topping is chia seeds. These bad boys are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, proteins, fiber, antioxidants, and minerals in just a small spoon.

If the oatmeal never seems to fill you up, add chia seeds . The tiny seeds expand in the stomach, giving that feeling of being full for much longer.

To flavor my oatmeal, I add what I have on hand at the moment. Condiments like bananas, berries, almond butter, pure maple syrup, cinnamon, and even protein powders all work very well. Be careful with the maple syrup as it has a ton of sugar inside.

2. Golden Milk

Golden milk is a drink belonging to the tradition that is around the discipline of yoga, considered particularly beneficial for protecting bones and joints. The main ingredients for its preparation consist of turmeric powder, almond oil, water and milk. Cow’s milk can be replaced with vegetable milk. In order for the drink to be rich in calcium, it is advisable from this point of view to opt for sesame milk or almond milk.

3. Rusks and homemade jam

Ideal breakfast: 3. Rusks and homemade jam

This alternative looks like a common breakfast but both items are homemade. Rather than using industrial rusks, made with palm oil, we could take some homemade bread and brown it in the oven, as well as be happy to spread the jam made by us with fruit and cane sugar. A nice thing, don’t you think?

4. The quiche

Ideal breakfast: 4. The quiche

These breakfast quiches, when made wisely, are great homemade alternatives.

Once I’m done with dinner the night before, I fill a greased pan with butter with a mixture of:

4 eggs, lightly scrambled
300 grams of almond milk
A handful of vegetables
A sprinkle of low-fat cheese
My favorite vegetables are spinach, mushrooms and tomatoes.

After filling the pot, just cook the quiche at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

Let’s face it, I certainly didn’t waste much time cooking them and above all I’ll also have some delicious snacks to keep in the days to follow.

5. Greek yogurt with muesli and berries

Ideal breakfast: 5. Greek yogurt with muesli and berries

My simplest recipe? Take a cup of 0% Fage Greek yogurt with some fresh berries, honey, or pieces of granola in a jar. According to Muscle for life , a cup of yogurt paired with fruit and granola is 120 calories per 23 grams of protein, which is pretty impressive.

There is a slight caveat: go easy on the honey and granola and choose your toppings wisely. Both products can be high in sugar and if you’re not careful you can easily use more than one serving.

6. Smoothie

In the morning, all I have to do is add protein powder, ice, yogurt or milk to my blender and in 5 minutes I have a super healthy smoothie for breakfast!

My favorite combination is the banana and almond smoothie. Chop a banana, add a tablespoon of almond butter, ¾ cup of Greek yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon and freeze it. The next day you can combine it with milk and the famous chia seeds that make you full and full.

7. Apple pie and almond milk

Ideal breakfast: 7. Apple pie and almond milk

The homemade apple pie is probably one of the most loved sweets, even by children and can easily replace the packaged snacks that do so much harm to our bodies. There are numerous recipes for apple pie, so much so that probably every family prepares it according to their own personal variant. The apple pie is also excellent in the vegan version by replacing the butter with a vegetable butter and is perfect to accompany a glass of almond milk.

8. Vegan carrot and almond cake

The vegan carrot and almond cake is a nice healthy alternative for our breakfast.

Let’s see the recipe :


150 gr flour 0

100 gr wholemeal flour

200 gr finely chopped almonds

80 gr brown sugar

30 ml corn oil

1 glass of carrot and orange juice

3 carrots

grated zest of orange or lemon

half a sachet of cream of tartar yeast

dark chocolate to taste


Finely chop the almonds with a couple of tablespoons of sugar.

Mix the white flour with the wholemeal one.

Add the almonds, baking powder, sugar and grated lemon zest.

Prepare the carrot and orange juice, about 300 ml.

Grate the carrots and at this point you can proceed with the preparation of the cake.

Put all the dry ingredients in a planetary mixer and gradually add the oil and the carrot and orange juice.

Mix well and then add the carrots. As a last ingredient, add the dark chocolate into small pieces, I used about 40 gr.

Grease and flour a pan with a diameter of 20/22 cm, pour the mixture obtained which must be of a soft consistency and bake for about 40 minutes at 180 C °.

The surface of the cake will be wrinkled, you can decorate with icing sugar at will.

Did you like these alternative breakfast ideas? At the usual bar with cappuccino and croissant eaten in a hurry without love we can also take some time for ourselves which is what I have always told you. Taking time, trying to slow down the frenetic pace of our lives, pampering ourselves, that’s what a healthy life means to me, a life worth living. Plus, all of these ingredients are healthy and perfect for that idea of a balanced diet we’ve been looking for for some time.

And you?

Do you have breakfast?

And if so what do you eat?

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