I would like to have info on the medicinal plant of the Aquarius sign

I would like to have info on the medicinal plant of the Aquarius sign

I would like to have info on the medicinal plant of the sign of Aquarius.

Health Answers


To answer your question, we can refer to Spagyric medicine: each plant has its own SIGNATURE linked to at least two aspects: the FUNCTION that is to a planet and to POTENTIALITY, that is to the sign. If we refer to the sign of Aquarius, this presents SATURN as home planet (in Spagyric medicine only the planets up to Saturn are considered), therefore among the medicinal plants it is necessary to look for those that in their signature are present Aquarius and Saturn. From the point of view of medical astrology, Aquarius is connected to the venous and arterial circulation (vessels channels), lymphatic system, pancreas , muscles of the legthe ankles. Saturn has a haemostic, antiseptic, healing, vasoconstrictive action (these functions are highlighted in different ways according to the different potentials through which the planet expresses itself). The aquarium, a sign of air, is a sign of the transmission of information. A plant with aquarian potential and saturnine function is for example the PUNGITO (Ruscus Aculeatus) in this case the action is of the vasoconstrictive type ( Ruscusit also has other potentials and therefore different actions). The butcher’s broom is an evergreen shrub. It has diuretic properties (linked to the potential of Libra), phlebotonic properties, linked in this case to the Aquarian potential. The active principles of the butcher’s broom are ruscogenins with marked anti-edema and vasoconstrictive action. The indications are therefore anti-edema, in venous insufficiency, hemorrhoids. Another plant that has aquarian potential and saturnine function is eucalyptus with its main antiseptic and antibiotic action (saturnine action), it also has a hypoglycemic action (aquarium), the essential oil if inhaled helps to regain concentration (aquarium / saturn). Sincerely


Dr. Alessandra Romeo
Hi Sara Sorry for the delay in answering you, but we still hadn’t processed the article related to your sign. The plants mentioned in it are those known by our ancestors until the 16th century, when many of the botanical species, used today in phytotherapy, had not yet been discovered by us Westerners (among these the eucalyptus, originally from Oceania ). The reason for this exclusion is given by the fact that the medical-philosophical theories that used the association of stars-plants-anatomical part of the zodiac sign in that period had the maximum expression. Good Reading See you soon http://www.cure-naturali.it/rimedi-naturali/erboristeria.html/piante-acquario/3519/a

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