I want to lose weight to change my life: some success stories

I want to lose weight to change my life: some success stories

How many times have you thought about wanting to lose weight, but the moment didn’t seem right? You weren’t motivated enough, encouraged, do you think you kind of gave up easily? Often the push that allows us to lose weight is not the effective diet, but the willpower . To demonstrate what I’m saying, here are six success stories in which those who have lost weight wanted to radically change their lives. As you will see for yourself, they are all overweight people who have had the strength to say enough, from tomorrow a new phase of life begins. In short, sometimes it’s all a question of motivation. I was inspired by an article that appeared in the Daily Mail.
1) A 21-year-old woman lost a ton of pounds on her wedding day, becoming thin as obese as she was,in order to be picked up by her husband . She has lost nearly six bounties, totaling over 24 kilos .

2) A married woman with children she lost more than 4o kilos   after realizing that she could no longer sit at the cinema , because due to her size she no longer fit in her seats.
3) A boy became a model and a radio star from an ex obese: he could no longer bear to be considered “the fat one”.
4) An obese boy has lost weight, losing all his excess weight in a year, over thirty kilos, because he was shocked by the photos of him on fb : was he really that fat?
5) One of the fattest girls in England, after being bullied for years, has become thin thanks to sport: she is now a professional sportswoman and perhaps will participate in the 2016 Olympics .
6) An obese boy could not travel by plane, he could not even get in: now he has lost weight and is taking flying lessons.

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