I suffer from hyperkyphosis, can I continue to go to the gym?

I suffer from hyperkyphosis, can I continue to go to the gym?

Hi everyone first of all congratulations for the site. That said some time ago I asked a question in which I asked whether the gym (ie classic exercises to increase muscle mass) was indicated or not in the presence of cervical problems . Obviously I was given excellent answers, but above all the advice to make an adequate visit and analysis. Well I made some rays and luckily I was only found a mild form of hyperkyphosis and the doctor told me about a very slight form of arthrosisalso due to age (32 years ….). Having said that, any advice for the gym, that is, if I can feel comfortable (assuming that I know very well that I don’t have to strain my neck) or if I still have to do some adequate exercise? Second question: the classic movements like head to right, left, to sides etc. (those made in summary for the cervical) can I continue to do them? Third and last thing: the light dizziness that sometimes I have when I raise my head or I jump up, can it depend on the aforementioned problem? Thank you very much;)

Health Answers

Giovanni Di Giannatale

Good evening! I will briefly answer all your questions: 1: Surely there are adequate exercises for your situation, both for the cervical tract and for hyperkyphosis at the dorsal level, by consulting a professional such as a physiotherapist or an osteopathor even in the gym they will be able to recommend exercises that can bring benefits to the area. 2: As far as the gym is concerned, don’t worry, the movements of the cervical tract can be done safely without making excessive efforts and always being guided by a professional (doctor, osteopath or gym staff). 3: With regard to dizziness (vertigo), they must certainly be investigated in a particular way if they derive from cervical disorders (such as arthrosis) or vestibular problems (balance system). Also in this case I always recommend being followed by a professional in the sector. Another very important concept from an osteopathic point of view is the close relationship that exists it is between the dorsal tract and the cervical tract and the dizziness that she accuses. Soon!!


Dr. Massimiliano Manni
Hi, as I had already anticipated, for your age a cervical x-ray was quite superfluous; what arthrosis do we look for at 31-32 years of age? I agree with my colleague DiGiannatale the correlation of his vertigo disorders with the dorsal spine, so in my opinion, if you want to solve these symptoms, you need a visit to an Osteopath.

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