I suffer from endometriosis and try to have a baby: advice?
Hi, I suffer from deep endometriosis , with my husband we are trying to get pregnant and he is using the maca supplement . I would like to use it too but I’m afraid it could accelerate the spread of my disease, what do you recommend? I have already been operated on in September, but it seems that in six months the endometriosis has reformed and my tube is closed
Health Answers

Hello, I advise you to investigate the role of correct intestinal function. The intestine borders and is closely interconnected with the sexual organs. The nava acts as a tonic but does not have such an incisive anti-inflammatory action. An anti-inflammatory diet that restores intestinal function would be useful. I directly follow women with these problems, if you want for any info you can find me at 3701329747 or at the email drflocco@iltuoaiutonutrizione.it Dr. Rosa Flocco nutritionist and neurobiologist

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