I suffer from amenorrhea, what should I do?

I suffer from amenorrhea, what should I do?

Hi doctors, I am a 20 year old girl, I have been suffering from amenorrhea for two years due to a past unbalanced diet. How can I recover? What should I do? I have gained even more weight than before, how can I lose weight safely? Thanks in advance!

Health Answers

Cinzia zedda - balances studio

Dearest, the cases of amenorrhea due to an unbalanced or insufficient diet are unfortunately high. Especially when you are as young as you are, your period needs to be recovered promptly. Amenorrhea can in fact create general imbalances and important deficiencies that are difficult to recover, especially in the bones . therefore the more the amenorrhea is prolonged, the more the organism suffers! My advice, as far as my experience is concerned, is to make a period of targeted integration in order to restore minerals , vitaminsand the nutrients lost with his “incorrect” diet. All of this will put the whole system back in line. Subsequently, if you still need it, there are effective natural remedies based on phytotherapics and co-vitamins that will give you a hand in recovering the precious menstrual cycle. Unfortunately, I am not aware of the type of diet that she adopted in the past and I have no other information about her, so I cannot establish which supplements are necessary nor, even more so, tell her how she should be fed today to stay healthy and to help her maintain a weight suitable for his constitution. Certainly it would be advisable to carry out analyzes to check at least the iron valuesand vitamin B12 and to understand if in all this the thyroid and other hormonal values ​​have been temporarily “compromised”. To do this, you must rely on your doctor and later on a good naturopath or nutritionist in your area who can give you the right information. Also remember that sensible physical activity can help you and stress management too . Courage then! Let me know, best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath


Ilaria Porta
Hello, Amenorrhea in these cases tells us that the subject is in deficiency. It should therefore be nourished with a correct diet that balances the hormonal framework, vitamins and minerals. however, he must rely on a good colleague in his area who will rebalance the picture and his menstruation will return. Greetings

Stefano Intintoli
Hi it is possible to practice Holistic Massages that start from the “high” glands such as hypothalamus, pituitary gland, buildings and thyroid capable of rebalancing the entire glandular system. regards

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