I lost 35 pounds naturally – here’s how I did it

I lost 35 pounds naturally – here’s how I did it

Hi guys, today I am talking about a very particular testimony, mine, because I am interested that you “open your eyes” in front of all those facebook advertisements in which gods or “weight loss coaches” explain to you that they have lost 10, 5, 15 kilos or 20 kilos following a natural method that didn’t make them go hungry, gave them energy, was easy, etc. Except then ask you to write “ok” in the comments (sometimes you do so under my articles, when the only effort required is to read them) to feed you a meal replacement program.
Now, do you remember the reps who came to play at home?

The vacuum cleaner, the encyclopedia, etc.?
Respectable job. But these coaches on facebook who ask if you want to lose a lot of kilos or just tone yourself up etc. are not coaches like the personal trainer could be, they are represented nine times out of ten.

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