I have secondary amenorrhea, how do i get pregnant?
Hello, I am a 36 year old woman with secondary amenorrhea since adolescence. My period has always been irregular. Apart from very short periods in which it reached a frequency of 40/45 days with abundant and painful flows, for years it was absent. The various gynecologists who followed me diagnosed me with the micropolicistic ovary, blaming it for my dysfunction, as well as a strong weight loss that occurred in adolescence. Now my weight has been stable for many years at 55 kg for 1.68 cm in height. In the past, about 3 years ago, I did various hormone therapies by taking clomid alternating with meropur and prometrium to be able to get pregnant. The period came on time but the ovary was producing too many follicles. Since I stopped taking treatment about 1 and a half years ago I have not had a period anymore.pregnancy . Thank you in advance for your time.
Health Answers

Hello, there are some remedies and vitamin supplements that are really useful in micropolicistic ovary syndrome. our task is to identify the most suitable one for you. For this reason, further examinations and a thorough medical history of all other organs involved in the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and sexual organs are necessary. Only by adjusting this balance, will he be able to see results. obviously all this requires a targeted dietary therapy so that there can be the right metabolic energy for the follicles to mature. If I can help you, please write to drflocco@iltuoaiutonutrizion.it With cordiality, Dr. Rosa Flocco, Nutritionist Biologist and Neurobiologist
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