I have 2 small hernias, what can I do?

I have 2 small hernias, what can I do?

I turn to you … I have two small 5l hernias. 1s. I treated with cortisone, painkillers, muscle relaxant, voltaren, bosvelia, glucosamine, magnesium, devil’s claw, powder before bed to alkalize the organism, liver purification produced by alchemical viral strength, mugwort after meals. A hernia is located inside the follicle where the nervous system passes, the surgeon says that operating in 70% of cases is useless and advises me to keep it … Now I have been prescribed bone tests, scintigraphy … My problem is that I can not stand still on both legs, the final part from the knee down and the foot, pains … the big toe falls asleep, I feel like I have a huge toe and if I walk my whole leg hurts from the knee up, up to the right side … moreover, practically always standing still, I gained 15 kg in 8 months … The general practitioner can’t tell me it goes by trial and error but nothing. I’m desperate!

Health Answers

Elena Adani
Dearest, I understand your situation very well because I also lived through it many years ago, and it is no coincidence that I have opened the site schienattiva.com, where you can find a lot of useful information regarding back pain. I agree with the surgeon’s opinion, in most cases having a herniated disc does not help much. Painkillers also have a mild effect, as the extruded spinal disc interferes with the sciatic nerve. If you really want to do the bone tests to have further certainties, go ahead and do them, but even in this case I don’t think they are conclusive. The solutions I propose. SOLUTION 1: get used to doing postural stretching exercises at least 20 minutes a day, which are used to stretch the entire spine and muscles, if you do a sedentary job, at least every hour, he must get up from his chair and take a few steps. Even a postural re-education program in water is certainly a good solution, since at first it is necessary to act on the “mechanical” cause of the problem. Inactivity and lack of movement are the worst enemies of the back. Don’t expect immediate results with stretching and swimming, but keep doing the exercises. If you don’t like water, take walks for up to half an hour, in addition to postural stretching exercises, which you can very well do at home on the carpet, but I recommend that you commit to doing them. If you are sleeping on your side, I recommend that you sleep with a small pillow between your thighs which helps stabilize your spine and prevent extra rotation of your pelvis to one side. If you sleep on your back, put a small pillow under your knees to make your back fit better against the mattress. If you sleep on your stomach, I strongly advise you to lose this habit, which is not good for your back especially the cervical part. SOLUTION 2: in addition to what I specified in solution 1, immediately contact a professional osteopath who can relieve you, keep the lumbar and sacral part warm, using a girdle or heating bands, or if you have one of those pillows that heat in the microwave, and that keep the heat for half an hour, you use it as often as possible, the heat helps the muscles to relax and decrease inflammation. Try not to work or do housework beyond its limits, because rest is just as important in these cases, therefore try to be helped as much as possible by those who can give you a hand. The emotional aspect of this malaise would then have to be taken into consideration. So if you want we can also hear from you later, to tell me how it goes. My email address is info@schienattiva.com I wish you a big good luck, in the hope that you can get better, it will take some time but I am sure you will succeed. Elena
alessandro forlivesi
Hello, if you have NOT solved your hernia problem yet, try to visit my site by typing bonnev vie natural treatments on Google ………. I think you can just “remove” them without resorting to surgery. other, according to what he says, at 70% does NOT solve the case. Remember that the treatment takes place at a distance and therefore your physical presence is NOT necessary. You can also call me for more information. Sincerely Alessandro Forlivesi from Lucca

Simona Vizzinisi
Except in your case, I recommend aloe vera, with St. John’s wort oil, ginger, I also recommend that you take omega 3, potassium and vitamin b1 (bananas, soybeans, nuts, whole grains, brown rice), green tea, take as food walnuts, eggs, cauliflower and spinach, I also recommend to inquire about ozone therapy and do energy therapies, reiki, pranotherapy etc to restore the harmony of the body and its energies. Keep me informed.


Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Good evening, the most sensible solution is to contact an osteopath for a “mechanical” type of manipulation. Natural anti-inflammatories are good for pain. Best regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath


I agree with my colleague Dr. Zedda, natural anti-inflammatories are fine and do not give side effects (the synthetic ones can damage the stomach, intestines, kidneys and blood in the long run) and with the colleague orthopedic surgeon who advised against you. to operate the hernia close to the course of the sciatic nerve, would be more complications than anything else, the expense is not worth the effort, so to speak. There is probably an important deviation of your spine, it would also require a baropodometric examination, to evaluate how it is positioned with the loads on your feet (but this will be prescribed by the osteopathic doctor. , with manipulations you can’t mess around, they must be done by an EXPERT person, hindsight, instead of giving help, vertebral maniolus can do more harm than good), because I think the use of suitable orthotics could help you. You can try acupuncture, in my professional experience I have seen cases similar to yours well resolved from the point of view of pain. I’m glad if you give me news, if you want you can contact me privately. Dr. maira Laura Moruzzi, homeopathic physician, homotoxicologist in Rome

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