I am looking for seminars and courses on the Bates Method

I am looking for seminars and courses on the Bates Method

Good evening, I ask if there is anyone who can tell me if in the prov. in Reggio Emilia, Parma or Mantua there is someone who teaches, gives seminars on the Bates Method. Thank you

Health Answers

Editing of Cure-Naturali.it

Hi, you can search for courses and seminars on the Bates Method directly on the site. Follow this path (courses – Bates Method) http://www.cure-naturali.it/corsi/metodo-bates/2858/485/0/0, or you can search for operators in the sector and contact them privately here (professionals and centers – Bates method) http://www.cure-naturali.it/operatori/metodo-bates/1300/1223/0/0.

Doctor Luca Vivaldi
AIEV is an association whose purpose is to train Bates Method operators and disseminate their initiatives. you can inquire with them. Here is the site: http://www.metodobates.it/. Friendliness

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