How to win back an ex girlfriend on WhatsApp

How to win back an ex girlfriend on WhatsApp

win back an ex girlfriend on WhatsApp

Did you break up with your ex girlfriend or wife? As you may have guessed from reading the title of this page, WhatsApp can become a very useful tool when you want to win back a woman.

In particular, below are five specific pointers of things you can do right away that will increase the chances of getting your ex back and getting what you want.

Ready? Let’s start.

Getting a girl back on WhatsApp: 5 things to do

I recommend that you read the various points in order so that you can apply all the advice.

1. Identify the starting point from which to start conquering it again

Start with two basic questions:

  1. Was it you who left her or was it her?

There are some differences in behavior you will need to have to win her back.

It is different in fact to win back a woman who left you or who you left. We will see it better later.

  1. Are you really sure you want to win her back?

If the answer is yes, continue reading and evaluate the possibility of following a more in-depth path (we talk about it at the bottom of the article).

If the answer is no, maybe you just need new “stimuli” to stop thinking about her.

Do you already have another woman in mind? If so, I recommend that you read the 10 tips for getting a girl on WhatsApp . They will be useful to shorten the time and greatly increase your chances of success.

2. Do not change your profile picture and do not post “provocative” statuses

One of the worst things a man can do to win back a woman, be it his ex girlfriend or ex wife, is to make himself happy and carefree by changing his profile photo.

And not only that, because to this are added the WhatsApp status of super adventures with friends that transmit these sensations even more.

The result is that if a woman sees this change, she will think that you are no longer interested in her.

Why do almost all men make this mistake?

Simple. Because women do that to them and it works.

The more a woman goes the more a man desires her. If, on the other hand, the man goes away – as in your case – she the woman she will think that she no longer wants to know anything about him.

What to do then? Do not change profile photos and statuses, behave on WhatsApp as you always have.

Instead, focus on more effective actions, such as the ones we see in subsequent points 3 and 4.

3. Check if you have been blocked on WhatsApp

To get her back on WhatsApp, you need to be sure she hasn’t blocked you. If so, you need to be able to get unlocked.

If you don’t know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp, you can follow this guide which explains step by step how to do it:

If you haven’t been blocked, move on to the next step, step 4.

If you have been blocked, write her the first message (which you will find later in point 5) via SMS, and ask her to unblock you to talk more comfortably on WhatsApp.

4. Spy on the ex’s behaviors to see if you are doing well

To get your ex back, you need to harness the ” power of information “.

The more you know about her, the easier it will be to understand what to write to her and how to act.

The phrases and images a woman posts on WhatsApp provide important clues.

In particular, the profile photo can make you understand many things.

Here are 3 possibilities:

  1. The profile photo is the same. An unimportant clue.
  2. In the photo he is happy. Positive sign, he wants to make you jealous.
  3. In the photo it is sad. You’ll have to put in more effort to win her back.

You can check the same thing on public status on WhatsApp. Sad states are a bad sign, happy states are a positive sign.

NB Here too, women and men react completely opposite 🙂

An alternative that is used are programs to spy on WhatsApp , which allow you to read a person’s messages, know his position with the GPS, see photos and videos, etc. In short, access all personal information. The law does not allow their use in many circumstances, but it is good to know what they are just to be able to defend themselves.

5. Win back the ex with “strategic” WhatsApp messages

Now that you’ve improved your online presence and got information about your ex, it’s time to try and win her back by sending him the right messages.

Rule of balance: feel it little but often .

Unlike women (who must be made to be desired), men who “disappear” have little chance of winning a woman back.

If you don’t write to her, she’ll think you don’t care about her. If you write too much, she will get annoyed.

You have to find the right balance.

Let’s see specifically which messages to send:

Write to her as soon as possible and ask her how she is . This is always the “best” first step in starting the dialogue.

As soon as she replies (or after 2 hours if she doesn’t reply) write to her that “I am ready to put all of myself on the line to continue together…”, or “you have never made a more wrong choice to leave her. Also, write her like this “I know it’s hard to think about it and I’m not in a hurry, I’ll even wait a lifetime for you”.

Then you just have to wait for his response. If it’s positive, that’s it. If you don’t answer or answer in the negative. You have to give her time.

For the next 3 days, send her a love phrase or a love picture with writing every morning. Do not add anything to the message. You just have to let her know that you think about her.

In these three days she could respond and then “give in” to your arms.

If not. After 4/5 days without being heard, re-establish a new contact. Send a new message with an excuse to hear it.

After this conversation, stop hearing her again.

Try to understand the real reason the story ended and use this information to your advantage. It’s time to take a step back. Get back to her and tell him that now you can see everything more clearly and that you understand the mistakes you made when you were together. But wait, now is not the time to ask him for a second chance.

Invite her for a coffee. If he accepts, the ball passes to you. It’s time to play all the cards you have available to get her back to you.

If you want to go “further”, I recommend a specific course:

The Course: How To Win Your Woman Back

This is the best-selling author’s course on seduction that explains the techniques he has taught hundreds of men to win back their exes.

For more information on the course, go to the official page:

How To Get Your Woman Back In Less Than 30 Days: An Easy Step By Step Guide To Get Her Back By Your Side .

Good luck!

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