How to use WhatsApp on iPad: complete guide

How to use WhatsApp on iPad: complete guide

WhatsApp on iPad and iPad Mini

How many times have you thought about wanting to use WhatsApp on iPad but have been told it’s not possible? All false, WhatsApp also works on iPad (and other types of tablets). You just need to know how. The instant messaging application does not officially support tablet use but there is an alternative method to overcome the problem and have the WhatsApp app icon on your tablet screen .

In the past this procedure was quite complex and required the iOS Jelybreak on our iPad. Long and complicated steps, not for everyone.

But there is a quick and easy alternative to install WhatsApp on iPad without jailbreak  (which also prevents us from losing the warranty of our iPad, which happens when using the Jailbreak). There is more. With an “alternative” (and even faster) procedure we can install WhatsApp on all types of tablets and with any type of phone.

How to use WhatsApp on iPad

The easiest way to start using WhatsApp on iPad is to take advantage of Whatsapp Web, so you don’t have to install any applications.

In a nutshell, just use the browser on your tablet.

Proceed like this:

  1. Open the Safari browser and go to . Once the page loads, you will notice that you are on the home page of the WhatsApp site.
  2. Long click on the symbol at the top right of the reload bar (the circular arrow) to reload the page and click on “request desktop site” (which will appear at the bottom).
  3. Once the page has reloaded it should look familiar. You will find a QR code to associate it with your iPhone account. Then open WhatsApp, go to ” Settings “, then to “WhatsApp Web” and scan the QR code on the site to connect the two devices. Once you’ve done that, the page should reload on your iPad and show you the latest conversations.

Now you can start using WhatsApp on your tablet!

You only have one last step left: add the WhatsApp page icon to the iPad home screen.

WhatsApp iPad

Doing so is very simple:

  1. Click on the ” Share ” icon (the one at the top right with the arrow at the top)
  2. Click ” Add to Home “.

This way you will have created a link to the WhatsApp Web page that you can use to access WhatsApp with a single click.

A small note:  For iOS, the application is officially only available on the iPhone . The developers have never released an official version for iPad and some “tricks” are needed to have the instant messaging application on the Cupertino tablet.

We assume that the reason why WhatsApp has not reached the tablet is that the application is associated with the user’s phone number and since many tablets that do not have mobile connectivity cannot be configured correctly on the iPad, at least not simply using the telephone number. If an official version is to be launched in the future, it will therefore have to overcome this problem and allow users to replace the phone number with their email.

Maybe one day this will come true but today it is not possible to have WhatsApp on iPad. Well, at least not officially, since – as we have seen –  there is always a way to do this kind of thing, even if we are not experienced developers or hackers.

 Are there alternatives to WhatsApp Web?

There is no doubt that there are some disadvantages of using the browser for WhatsApp on your iPad. It is not a very “practical” solution and the experience leaves a lot to be desired. Precisely for these shortcomings, several unofficial apps have been created that allow you to install WhatsApp on the iPad.

Beware though, there are risks, as  WhatsApp expressly prohibits users  from using third-party software to access WhatsApp. So if you have thought of using apps like Messenger for WhatsApp or Chat for WhatsApp, know that your account is at risk.

Do i need a phone to use WhatsApp on an iPad?

There was a time when it was possible to use a workaround and install WhatsApp directly on your iPad. As of the iOS 9 update, this alternative no longer exists.

If you don’t want to jailbreak your device, the  WhatsApp  Web service is the best option available.

This obviously means that WhatsApp must be installed on a phone for this system to work on the iPad. If you don’t have a smartphone, you can’t do anything. There is no way (other than the complicated jailbreak) to use WhatsApp on an iPad without a smartphone.

If you’re having trouble getting this method to work or have any further questions, leave a comment below and we’ll help you out.

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