How to take apart a ps4 controller
How to take apart a ps4 controller If you’re beginning to restore the tool for the primary time, take note of this tutorial — First time repairing
To disassemble dualshock four you`ll want PH0 screwdriver and plastic spudger.
Note that this disassembly of DualShock four CUH-ZCT1E is the primary model of DualShock four and the disassembly system can be special from the controller of the second one model of DualShock four.
How to disassemble ps4 gamepad
How to disassemble and reassemble PS4 DualShock four Controller
Remove four screws from the lowest of gamepad.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 1 How to take apart a ps4 controller
Pry up gamepad case close to earphones port.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 2
Next you`ll want to pry up the case close to left and proper triggers.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 3 How to take apart a ps4 controller
And now eliminate backside case of ps4 gamepad.
While disposing of backside case you want to eliminate backlight ffc cable.
ps4 dualshock four restore step four
Battery alternative in PlayStation four GamePad
Disconnect the dualshock four controller battery through pulling the battery cable up. Now eliminate gamepad battery.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 5

Replace sticks on PS4 gamepad
Next eliminate battery securing region.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 6
Unscrew the screw that fixes the principle board of the ps4 controller, and additionally disconnect the cable from the principle board of dualshock four and eliminate the principle board of the gamepad ps4.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 7
At this point, you may eliminate or update sticks on ps4 gamepad.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 8
Repair of buttons DualShock four
Clean principal board with cotton swabs.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 9
If a few button don`t react push every time you may attempt to get better its capability with graphite pencil. This approach in maximum instances helps, however now no longer always.
ps4 dualshock four restore step 10
Now begin to gather gamepad
Place principal board to its region withinside the case.
Connect touchpad cable to principal board.
Secure the board with screw.
Now region battery securing region on principal board.
Place battery to securing region and join it to principal board. How to take apart a ps4 controller
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