How to strengthen the immune defenses of children?
How can I strengthen the immune defenses of children before winter? I have a 7-year-old child who repeatedly falls ill with otitis and for this we do the spas, or he gets respiratory infections that pass at least 2 weeks to heal them with tests of at least 2 antibiotics. He gets immunostimulating vaccines as he is allergic to grass and olive wall flowering. 1 3-year-old child who will go to kindergarten for the first time. They are both monorenes like their dad. Thank you
Health Answers

Homeopathy _it is always very effective in the prevention of colds, and it is particularly so in children, where it also shows its rapidity. The treatment that is carried out is called precisely ground, and originates from the scrupulous observation of the constitutional characteristics of the child, from his clinical history since birth, from the search for events or therapies that may have weakened his organism, such as for example, those repeated antibiotics, or vaccinations administered excessively. At this point, a personalized therapy is carried out which, combined with a good diet, is able to rapidly improve and strengthen the defense capacity – innate and destined to strengthen in the little ones – making them more and more resistant – in a natural and non-toxic way – to community infections. .

echinacea works well as a phytotherapeutic remedy , for example with Aboca’s Immunomix, syrup for children or other similar products

Dear Madam, your request states that there is a need for directions to achieve a stronger physical balance in your child; for my part, I am a psychologist and I encourage you to ask yourself how to reflect further, with respect to what is described by the three minors. The age of the two children seems to me to be compatible with entering school for the first time: the oldest in primary school and the youngest in kindergarten. Psychologists know that this event generates a certain amount of stress in children, which can be more or less large, more or less bearable and we also know that stress, when excessive or excessively prolonged, has the effect of consuming / lowering the immune system. For a child, entering a school means several things: having to make a big leap forward as “from being with his mother all day” he will pass to having to adapt to new habits (not entirely negotiable); will have to make new friends; he will be confronted with different knowledge (often very interesting but sometimes difficult), with teachers with whom he will feel more or less understood (this can stimulate or darken him). It is also necessary to consider the unrealistic expectations of parents or teachers about the child, it is also necessary to consider whether there are aggressive attitudes on the part of other children / young people even teachers, if there are undiagnosed learning difficulties, or if there are above-average intellectual abilities that cause peers to move away from the same child. To determine an excess of stress on children in the two aforementioned life situations are the demands of adaptation to the new situation and the related need for self-affirmation of the child. In psychological terms, I have pointed out that stress has the effect of depressing the immune system, and that this can be further (or already for some time) crushed by heavy or burdened family relationships, by doubts, feelings of weakness, relationship difficulties, by ‘observation of aggressive-offensive family relationships that show suspended conflicts around hearing-listening-obeying-agreeing (otitis is mentioned). These discomforts can be alleviated by the presence of adults attentive to the psychological needs of the child, but the discomforts can also be amplified by the presence of adults who are not very in tune with the needs or problems with which the child is confronted, to the point of generating real physical symptoms of suffering in the developing child. Cordial greetings.

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