How to stop overeating with the satiety index
How to stop overeating?
Considering the satiety index of foods.
How do you do? Now I’ll explain it to you.
One day the researcher Susanna Holt introduced an intelligent parameter to understand how to categorize foods according to how much they filled the stomach and called it the satiety index .
The satiety index measures the sense of fullness from the consumption of the meal to the following two hours, for a single food, in a quantity of 240 Kcal. To be clear: between sixty-five grams of pasta and two and a half tablespoons of olive oil, more or less, which of these two foods will have a higher satiety index in your opinion?
The pasta.
Said like this it may seem nonsense: many of you will think, but it is obvious that fruit and vegetables (especially if we eat raw vegetables) are more filling than a pack of chips!
Instead this is a useful parameter, and I’ll explain why. Because if we considered foods according to their satiating power, we would automatically eat less. If you want to know how to stop overeating, think about the kind of hunger you get: if you were full to bursting, would you continue to eat? If lunch has left you satisfied, even from the point of view of taste, how much would you eat between meals? There.
Nobody would eat again if they feel full. The point is to get the satiety signal to the brain.
Let’s see in detail how.
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